domestic scape

Photographs by the Students of Bernhard Prinz, Kunsthochschule Kassel

Martha Friedel, Jens Gerber, Max Hänisch, Faye Hintke, Holger Jenss, Julia Kopylova, Max Sand, Kathi Seemann, Elisabeth Seidel, Jing Tang, Nicolas Wefers

The traditional notion of city and region as closed entities with clearly delineated characteristics no longer exists. An increase in mobility due to Europe’s integration leads to a weakening of national and cultural borders. Ongoing transnational migration processes bring about new value definitions and everyday living realities. Altered large-scale structures gradually take the place of previous ones while the classic dichotomy between city and country, centre and periphery loses its validity. Students at the Kunsthochschule Kassel investigate these unknown territories. Condensed social, economic, and aesthetic structures are their main point of departure. In associative juxtapositions of the respective positions, expressive forms and behavioural norms, gestures, patterns of projection, and sign systems emerge in a wide array of aesthetic and cultural influences. Thus, beneath the surface of the ostensibly known, new fields of knowledge can be discovered that are open to a humorous and ironic approach.