European Surfaces

Photography About Landscapes

Marc Grümmert, Knut Wolfgang Maron

For over 20 years, Marc Grümmert and Knut Wolfgang Maron have been working on photographic images that view urban and rural areas in a changed way. Proceeding from a New Subjectivity, the two artists interpret space and its elements by taking Wim Wenders’s film Alice in the Cities (1974) and continuing it in their own way.
Grümmert explores the idea of the aura, which he transposes into his images, proving to us that the aura of the work of art ‘in the age of mechanical reproduction’ (Walter Benjamin) has not been lost. In an incantatory way, he combines photography and metaphysics to arrive at fragile, ephemeral images of unbearable lightness. His pictures give rise to a hypertext of references – associative, subjective, and without compromise. In the process, he pieces together a fragmented world to create one that is whole and new. Man, space, and object are thus reunited.
Maron explores key themes such as ephemerality, loss, and alienation, and transposes his themes into the photographic visual language of New Subjectivity.