Hotel Bogota

Aino Kannisto

Gallery Taik Persons is highly pleased to present the exhibition Hotel Bogota with previously unseen works from Aino Kannisto’s series of the same title. In 2012, Kannisto was invited by Joachim Rissmann, manager of the Hotel Bogota in Berlin, to stay and work at the famous hotel, which had been especially popular in artist circles and finally closed its doors in Schlüterstraße 45 at the end of 2013. At the very moment of her arrival, Kannisto sensed that this location would become a place of artistic pilgrimage for her. The unique, kaleidoscopic range of different rooms, niches, and views proved to be an inexhaustible source of inspiration for her photographic work. During the conceptualisation phase, Kannisto took the opportunity to consciously breathe in the atmosphere of the place and thereby expand the creative possibilities of visualising her internal emotional landscapes. The pictures in this series show an intimate mise-en-scène of the artist, who in her pensive postures and solemn moods powerfully captures the various settings and backdrops of the hotel.