Berlin Foto Biennale

4th Biennale of Fine Art & Documentary Photography

The Berlin Foto Biennale 2016 is also the 4th edition of the Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography. After Madrid, Buenos Aires and Malaga the curated photo show comes to Berlin to offer emerging and esta­blished artists from all over the world a platform, and to showcase international trends in fine art as well as documentary photography.
The Biennial, entitled Emotions and Commotions Across Cultures situated in the historic heart of Berlin. It features 1230
photos by 446 contemporary artists from 41 countries of 5 continents – among them 65 % women, who have received the Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers. The winners of this years’ award, juried by Andréa Holzherr (Director of Global Exhibitions at Magnum Photos), are also included in this comprehen­sive photographic display.
Recognizing a wide array of artistic expression across diverse cultures, the Berlin Foto Biennale 2016 presents a contemporary overview of the different schools of thought emerging from the United States to China, from Australia to Turkey and from Senegal to Mexico. Its spectrum of styles ranges from docu­mentary and wild life, to portrait and experimental
The Biennial also contains an essay by emerging young talent Yusuke Suzuki about the refugee crisis on Lesbos and the chaos in Syria’s Aleppo. As special invitee Magnum photographer Steve McCurry will present 130 of his most remarkable works in his solo exhibition Retrospective.
The Berlin Foto Biennale 2016 presents to visitors not only a panorama of contemporary photography but also a kaleidoscope of sentiments and perceptions captured worldwide. In this way a photographic chro­nicle of our time emerges with all its emotions and commotions.