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„Résonances“, Fotografien von Thomas Sandberg

On the occasion of the European Month of Photography Berlin 2016, the Collection Regard presents new works by Thomas Sandberg. About his pictures, he says: ‘I had a few days’ time, and so I bought a plane ticket and flew to Lisbon. As I did years ago, I wanted to walk through the streets again and take pictures. But the curiosity just wasn’t there. Unintentionally, my feet took me to the zoo. When I saw a monkey observing another monkey, I was transported back to an episode in a book: Ulysses by James Joyce. Leopold Bloom watches Stephen Dedalus from a distance, and sees himself in him. I see the monkey, the camera takes a picture, but I’m no longer sure what direction my lens is pointing in.
Europe is a literary place. Dublin, Marseilles, Budapest, the Peloponnese and Troy. The streets and plazas are the stage, the people the players. In Venice I encounter Casanova, while Bulgakov is still sitting by the Patriarch Ponds in Moscow. We’re familiar with this from physics – that things synchronize in frequency – it’s a case of resonance.’