Samuel Henne, Clare Strand, Susa Templin, Johanna von Monkiewitsch

The galleries Feldbusch Wiesner and Jette Rudolph present five artists who work at the interface between photography and sculpture. Today, as smartphones and digital photography offer immediate publication and endless reproduction, a new generation deliberately chooses the handmade approach by combining photography and sculpture in an object-based photography. With her poly-dimensional geometric object-photographs, Christiane Feser constructs a labyrinth of space and time. Based on photographs that implement the light and shadow effects of folded paper as compositional elements, the works of Johanna von Monkiewitsch play with the tautology of the image and its reproduction, the question of reality and illusion. Samuel Henne’s work addresses the orchestrated object of sculpturally arranged books. His constructed images reference the historical role of photography in the dissemination and interpretation of sculptural works. Susa Templin is interested in space in its objective, architectonic structure and as a place for subjective experience.