Book days Publisher



    Founded in Amsterdam by photographer, publisher and researcher Delphine Bedel, Meta/Books is a publishing and research platform that works closely with emerging artists, writers and designers to develop cutting edge projects. It promotes a wide variety of publishing practices, from print to digital, and experiments in hybrid publishing by working closely with artists and researchers, media critics and designers, printers and programmers to establish lasting communication pathways for the future. It also organizes a series of public programs, lectures and workshops. Meta / Books has edited and (co)published over 60 books including titles by Bedel herself and by Maya Rochat, Vianney Fivel and Adrien Guillet. It works from the concept and design stage right through to the manufacturing process and distribution. Its publications have won awards, are part of museum and private collections and have been exhibited internationally.

    FRI SEPT 29, 4 pm 

    Presentation / performance „Out of the Blue“ by Virginie Rebetez, followed by book signing at Meta/Books table