Born 1963 / Studied at Moscow State University for International Relations / 1992 PhD in international Relations from Budapest University of Economic Sciences / 2004 to 2006 Vice President of EU coordination at the Office of European Affairs and secretar y of the Interministerial Committee for European Coordination in Budapest / 2007 to 2009 Hungarian Ambassador to Croatia / 2010 to 2015 ambassador and head of the Permanent Representation of Hungar y to the EU in Brussels / 2015 to present: Hungarian Ambassador to Germany / Guest lecturer at the College of Europe in Bruges and the Department of International Law at ELTE University in Budapest / Published The Accession Story: The EU from 15 to 25 Countries (Oxford University Press, 2007) / Honors include Order of Duke Trpimir with Neck Badge and Morning Star and Middle Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit / Péter Györkös lives and works in Berlin.


Born 1964 / Studied public administration at Konstanz / MA from the College of Europe in Bruges / 1991 to 1994 assistant to an MEP in the European Parliament / 1994 joined the European Commission’s Unit for Audiovisual Policy / 1996 moved to the Information Unit of the Environment DG / 1998 to 2004 representative of the EC in Berlin, becoming administrator to the Political Unit / Advisor on European affairs for the Deutscher Kulturrat, the umbrella organization of German cultural organizations / 2004 head of the Regional Representation of the European Commission in Bonn with responsibility for communication in four German states including North Rhine-Westfalia / 2009 Head of Press at the European Economic and Social Committee / 2011 to present: head of the Culture Unit in the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) / Barbara Gessler lives and works in Brussels.


Born in 1968 / 1990 to 1997 Latin American Studies and General and Comparative Literature Studies in Berlin and San José, Costa Rica / 2002 to 2015 film editor for the feature pages at taz. die tageszeitung in Berlin / 2005 to 2015 professor for film studies at Freie Universität Berlin / 2012 to 2013 member of the selection panel for the Duisburg Film Week / 2013 Siegfried Kracauer Award for the Best Film Critique / Since 2015 director of cultural program for Southwest Europe at the Goethe Institute in Brussels / Numerous publications including So ein kleines Stückchen Freiheit—Rainer Werner Fassbinder und das Fernsehen (2013) and True Blood (2015) / Cristina Nord lives and works in Brussels.



1974 PhD in European comparative literature from the Sorbonne / 1987 to 1990 advisor on the introduction of new technologies into Luxembourg’s education system / 1984 to 1997 co-founder with long-term collaborator Paul di Felice of the Café-Crème art magazine with a focus on photography / 1995 to present: director and curator of numerous exhibitions in Luxembourg including at the Casino, Forum d’art contemporain, Mudam, MNHA / Publisher of numerous photography catalogues / 1997 co-curator of The 90s: A Family of Man? at the Casino / 2000 to 2006 co-director of the Semaines européennes de l’image, Luxembourg / 2006 to present: co-director of the European Month of Photography (EMOP) in Luxembourg / EMOP board member working with branches in Athens, Berlin, Budapest, Bratislava, Paris and Vienna, organizing exhibitions in Berlin, Vienna and Paris / Pierre Stiwer lives and works in Luxembourg.


Born 1970 / 1990 to 1996 studied business at Saarland University, Saarbrücken / 1996 to 1997 project head of sales promotion at Städtische Bühnen Augsburg / 1998 to 1999 project head of artemedia productions multimedia agency, Berlin / 1999 to 2001 administrative director of the culture and events program for the German pavilion at E XPO 2000, Hannover / 2001 to 2003 project leader of Europa Garden 2003, Frankfurt (Oder) / 2004 to 2006 head of Potsdam’s bid to become 2010 European City of Culture; leading Potsdam’s culture and media administrative department / 2005 to present: director of the M100 Sanssouci Colloquium media conference / Chairman of the Potsdam Media International association / 2006 to present: chief executive of Kulturprojekte Berlin / 2007 to present: chief executive of the Landesverbandes der Museen zu Berlin (Federal Association of Museums in Berlin) / Moritz van Dülmen lives and works in Berlin.