
Kevin Fuchs, Robert Funke, Jakob Ganslmeier, Roman Kutzowitz

Excursus presents four different positions by young photographers working on the borderline between artistic and documentary photography. The works comprise part of the first edition of FOG Magazine and are exhibited for the first time.
In Never Back, Roman Kutzowitz reveals the places, victims, and adversaries of human trafficking in North Sinai. Robert Funke photographed the everyday lives of two heroin addicts undergoing a state-sponsored substitution program; his series No Life Without is the result of a long-term documentation project. Jakob Ganslmeier’s work Wat Thai portrays the life of Thai Buddhist monks and nuns in Berlin; the series focuses on the connections and differences between a life characterized by tradition and life lived in a Western context. In Window Shopping, Kevin Fuchs visited the G8 Summit in Northern Ireland, where the government had the windows of abandoned stores covered in adhesive foil to simulate a rich variety of goods on sale – giving the impression of social well-being and a prosperous economy.