deep space eins sechs – Thomas Draschan

Thomas Draschan

As part of the exhibition project deep space one six, a cooperation with the project spaces Kronenboden and uqbar in Schwedenstraße 16, COPYRIGHTberlin presents an exhibition with new works by the Austrian artist Thomas Draschan (Vienna/Berlin).
On view are paper collages made from digitally reworked found photographic material. The majority of images are clear juxtapositions: Lenin and a chimpanzee, Dali and giraffes, Picasso with a tapir in exotic surroundings. The works irreverently plunder the history of art, photography and architecture, and pose current questions regarding the position of art and the artist’s person. While repressed and unconscious themes are presented in a light and playful manner, an abyss lurks behind the colourful façade: if the viewer takes the metaphors and suggested stories to their logical conclusion, this backwards somersault is not without danger. Is the artist capable of making a constructive contribution, or is it all nothing more than soap bubbles floating out of his brain?