Self-portraits of the 1970s

Erhard Hößle, Werner Kraus

In the context of the European Month of Photography Berlin 2016, IMAGO presents works from the beginnings of the IMAGOgramm in the Kunstraum at Moritzplatz, curated by Susanna Kraus.
A selection of vintage prints that the inventors and builders of the IMAGO Camera, Werner Kraus and Erhard Hößle, made in the early 1970s in private and public sessions are being shown in Germany for the first time. The exhibition focuses on the unique images and their very special aesthetic. Fashion photographs, artists’ portraits and photographs from the social circles of the camera’s builders are brought together as documents of this unique photographic method.
In an era of the unrestrained duplication of images, this exhibition offers an alternative. Deceleration, the unusual format, the process of direct exposure on positive paper onto which the photographs inscribe themselves, so rare today, can be experienced directly here. The 1:1 original pieces, each of them 60 x 200 cm in size, are on view in the Aufbauhaus at Moritzplatz along with the IMAGO Camera.