
New photographic positions by Laurianne Bixhain and Carole Melchior

Laurianne Bixhain, Carole Melchior

Although the photographic works of Laurianne Bixhain and Carole Melchior arise separately, they share a common visual sensibility and materiality, which come together to form a coherent whole in the framework of this exhibition. Through a creative approach to photography and a keen sense for the unexpected – serendipity – they create new analogies and connections.
While Laurianne Bixhain investigates the reception of digital images in a globalized and mobile world, Carole Melchior disrupts our habits of seeing by making ‘invisible’ things visible in her photographs. In the artists’ exhibitions, an array of various image constellations arises both within each series and in the juxtaposition of the selected works. The sensibility of the two artists shows that for them, photography doesn’t merely represent, but uses experiment repeatedly to produce new constructions of reality.

Please sign up for the vernissage until September 28, 2016: