
Igor Baranchuk, Pascal Böhme, Jürgen Bürgin, Louis de Belle, Enrico Markus Essl, Anne Kathrin Greiner, Miguel Hahn, Jan-​Christoph Hartung, Bas Losekoot, Werner Mansholt, Michaela O’Brian, Eric Pringels, Torsten Schumann, Max Slobodda, Anna Thiele, Thabo Thindi, Karolina Trapp

The project StreetProjections brings street photography back to the streets. Different realities from around the world will be displayed by night through projections on the sidewalk of the Kurfürstendamm.
The photographs were selected in an international competition and show how different and extensive life can be on the streets of the world. At the same time they sharpen the focus on the local environment.
The traffic tower, the place of projections, is surrounded by one of the liveliest and most exciting streets in Berlin. The nighttime image sequences on the floor invite passers-by to linger and marvel.