Studio Bamako

Malala Andrialavidrazana, Lebohang Kganye, Kitso L. Lelliott

The group exhibition Studio Bamako forms a dialogue with the tenth edition of the Rencontres de Bamako, the biennial for photography in Mali: In her series Figures, Malala Andrialavidrazana questions the significance of signs and their representation in images – among other things, she collages regional maps, bank notes and record covers typical for her generation, creating her own personal comment on globalization. In her series Her-Story, Lebohang Kganye addresses her own personal story – using digital photomontage, she juxtaposes self-portraits in which she wears her mother’s clothes with historic photographs of her mother. Kitso L. Lelliott’s video work By and By Some Trace Remains also inquires into the past – in an unused office on Constitution Hill in Johannesburg, a woman works off the layers of the past by repeatedly cleaning a soiled and abandoned room.