
James Tylor

Jarvis Dooney, in collaboration with the Australian Embassy Berlin, presents Australian artist James Tylor in his first international solo exhibition. Through his unique multicultural heritage of indigenous Australian, Māori and European ancestry, James explores the concept of racial and cultural identity in contemporary Australian society and social history. Using traditional analogue photographic techniques, his artistic practice is inspired by the nineteenth century origins of photography and colonialism.
Un-Resettling looks at the paradox of traditional indigenous Australian habitats and cultural practice in relation to current Australian laws and regulations. Although it may appear that indigenous Australians can practice their traditions unrestricted, in reality the national parks and reserves are protected by law. James investigates this paradox by constructing traditional dwellings and re-enacting various cultural rituals in the national parks where they once took place. He documents this through hand coloured black-and-white prints, highlighting the culture that has now been removed from these areas.


5.Oct 6:30 pm


Artist's talk

For his first international solo exhibition we would like to present the work of Australian artist James Tylor. Through his unique multi-cultural heritage of indigenous Australian, Māori and European ancestry, James explores the concept of racial and cultural identity in Australian contemporary society and social history. Using traditional analogue photographic techniques, his artistic practice is inspired by the 19th century origins of photography and Australian colonialism.


Australische Botschaft, Berlin Wallstraße 76 10179 Berlin

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