Ursula Kelm

The Pull of the Elements

Ursula Kelm

The BrotfabrikGalerie presents a show of works by Ursula Kelm. In a variety of atmospheres, Kelm’s photography explores the interplay of duration and transience, with images of water throughout her work carrying varying shades of meaning. Again and again, the metaphor of the life-giving, life-threatening wet element emerges in her visual worlds: as stagnant water brimming with inscrutable secrets; as a vast, placid sea; in the form of perilous ice floes. From the get-go, she was less interested in collecting pictures or documenting realities than in daydreams and visions alternating between interior and exterior worlds, images that she increasingly alters to the point of abstraction and from which she draws the ‘material’ for her visual inventions. Elisabeth Moortgat
Ursula Kelm lives and works as a freelance photographer in Berlin. Student trips led her to the USA and to Turkey, since 1985 she has been working as a photography instructor in Berlin. Her exhibitions have been on show in Europe, USSR, Australia and the US.