© Jonas Haarr Friestad / Stavanger Aftenblad


Born 1953 / Late 1970s to present: photographer combining images and narration / 1991 major exhibition A suivre at ARC/Musée d’Art modern de la Ville de Paris / 2001 Twenty Years Later at Galerie Perrotin / 2003 M’as-tu vue retrospective at Centre Pompidou, then exhibited at Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin; Irish Museum of Modern Ar t, Dublin; Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen / 2007 Take Care of Yourself at Venice Biennale, then exhibited at Bibliothèque nationale de France and 20 international museums / Rachel, Monique exhibited at Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2010); Avignon Festival (2012); Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest, New York (2014); Castello di Rivoli, Torino (2015) / 2014 Last Seen at Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston / Recent solo exhibitions in Montreal, Aichi, Nagasaki, Barcelona, Tamayo and Buenos Aires / 2010 Recipient of the Hasselblad Award for photography / Sophie Calle lives and works in Paris.



Born 1964 / Studied visual communication at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, followed by a curatorial study program at the Jan van Eyck Akademie in Maastricht, Holland / 1996 to 2002 freelance curator / 2003 to 2013 curator of the collection at the Fotomuseum Winterthur in Switzerland / Since 2013 co-director of the museum with Duncan Forbes / Curator of group and thematic exhibitions at Winterthur including The Ecstasy of Things (2004), Research and Invention (2007), Karaoke 
(2009) and Concrete—Architecture and Photography (2013) / Curator of solo shows for James Welling (2013), Yann Mingard and Peter Piller (both 2014) and Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs (2015) / 2010 co-curator of the Mark Morrisroe retrospective at Winterthur with Beatrix Ruf / Thomas Seelig lives and works in Winterthur.