Vernissages Friday 14.10.

6:00 pm

A Point in Time

Abigail Reynolds

The concept of time and ‘point of view’ play an important role in the artist’s work. In her own words: ‘…I slice apart … rooms, building on the rupture of consumption’; she weaves ‘one photographic space across another’ in her ...

Kuckei + Kuckei Linienstraße 107 10115 Berlin

7:00 pm

Bye the Wall

Greta María Ásgeirsdóttir, Alexander Blumhoff, Sheila Buser, Anna Hammer, Gudny Helgadottir, Theresa Kottas…

Since 2009, the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (BTK), offers a BA in photography; it has been a regular part of the European Month of Photography Berlin since 2010. For the first time, this year’s exhibition presents the best ...

Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule Stresemannstraße 121 A Hinterhof, 1. Stock 10963 Berlin

7:00 pm

Forest on a Comet

Magdalena Andrynowska, Katarzyna Wasowska

Forest on a Comet brings together two artists and two attitudes toward the notion of space, home and mobility. Trees and a comet – mapping the space with photographs in different forms and contexts.
Comet represents dynamics and movement, but also ...

UP Project Space Richardstraße 43 12055 Berlin

7:00 pm

Instant Tomorrow

Dmitry Lookianov

Photographed in the outskirts of Moscow, Instant Tomorrow shows how cities lose their character as the distance from the centre grows. Vibrant urban structures give way to huge commercial buildings. People arrange themselves in stereotypical antiseptic apartments like voluntary prisoners ...

25books Brunnenstraße 152 10115 Berlin

7:00 pm


Michele Caliari

In this study on the Alps, it’s not only the landscape that’s the subject of interest, but also the role mountains play in human fantasy. Whether cultural tradition or personal experience, childhood memory or commercialization, it’s impossible ...

Galerie erstererster Pappelallee 69 10437 Berlin

7:00 pm

Studio Bamako

Malala Andrialavidrazana, Lebohang Kganye, Kitso L. Lelliott

The group exhibition Studio Bamako forms a dialogue with the tenth edition of the Rencontres de Bamako, the biennial for photography in Mali: In her series Figures, Malala Andrialavidrazana questions the significance of signs and their representation in images – among ...

Kehrer Galerie Potsdamer Straße 100 10785 Berlin

7:00 pm

Ursula Kelm

Ursula Kelm

The BrotfabrikGalerie presents a show of works by Ursula Kelm. In a variety of atmospheres, Kelm’s photography explores the interplay of duration and transience, with images of water throughout her work carrying varying shades of meaning. Again and again ...

BrotfabrikGalerie Caligariplatz 1 13086 Berlin