So we live

Final exhibition II/2016

Ciro Caltana, Chiara de Maria, Anatol Kowalewski, MagdaTheGreat, Kichun Park, Antonia Pischke

In this exhibition, different teachers’ graduates are brought together for the first time. Three of the photographers are mentored by Bertram Kober and address social positions in the area of photojournalism and architecture photography: Ciro Caltana tells stories about people for whom work is about far more than making a living; Anatol Kowalewski, who found his material on a remote coast in Brazil, also shares this passion. In contrast, Kichun Park investigates how space is perceived and understood. Two of the graduates studied with Eva Bertram: in her series, Chiara de Maria explores the grey zone between consensuality and molestation, while Antonia Pischke focuses on borderline situations of the physical and on deformation. The work mentored by Eva Maria Ocherbauer explore intimacy: MagdaTheGreat plays with her own sexuality in a performative, gender-crossing way.


4.Oct 7:00 pm

Talking About Photography in Berlin

Film screening

Talking About Photography is an interview format, where protagonists of the Berlin photo scene have their say. 
In addition to insights into the biographies of those involved, the filmed interviews deal with questions about photographic education, about photography in Germany, and about contemporary trends with a prospect on the future of photography. The interviewees are Michael Biedowicz, Linus Dessecker, Ulrich Domröse, Espen Eichhöfer, Stephan Erfurt, Barbara Esch-Marowski, Tobias Faisst, Dr. Matthias Harder, Felix Hoffmann, Jan von Holleben, Enno Kaufhold, Annette Kicken, Arwed Messmer, Eva Maria Ocherbauer, Dr. Christiane Stahl, Hannes Wanderer and Gabriele Worgitzki.
Concept & production: Ricardo Trabulsi, Marc Volk


Neue Schule für Fotografie Brunnenstraße 188 10119 Berlin…

Additional Information

Wegen begrenzter Sitzplätze wird um Anmeldung gebeten.

Registration required
030 280 468 62

Free admission

11.Oct 7:00 pm

Talking About Photography in Berlin

Film Screening

Talking About Photography is an interview format, where protagonists of the Berlin photo scene have their say. 
In addition to insights into the biographies of those involved, the filmed interviews deal with questions about photographic education, about photography in Germany, and about contemporary trends with a prospect on the future of photography. The interviewees are Michael Biedowicz, Linus Dessecker, Ulrich Domröse, Espen Eichhöfer, Stephan Erfurt, Barbara Esch-Marowski, Tobias Faisst, Dr. Matthias Harder, Felix Hoffmann, Jan von Holleben, Enno Kaufhold, Annette Kicken, Arwed Messmer, Eva Maria Ocherbauer, Dr. Christiane Stahl, Hannes Wanderer and Gabriele Worgitzki.
Concept & production: Ricardo Trabulsi, Marc Volk


Neue Schule für Fotografie Brunnenstraße 188 10119 Berlin…

Additional Information

Due to limited seating we ask for registration.

Registration required
030 280 468 62

Free admission

30.Oct 10:00 am

photography matters. Photography as a critical method


The intensifying of current political and social conflicts has put photography under the spotlight. What effect can photography have? Are political and aesthetical concerns mutually exclusive or do they go hand in hand? How can photography be used as a form of criticism? Photographers, artists, and theoreticians discussing these questions are among others Peter Bialobrzeski, Peggy Buth, Anne König/Jan Wenzel, Maya Schweizer and Wolfgang Ullrich.

Concept: Susanne Holschbach
Organisation: Ute Lindner


Neue Schule für Fotografie Brunnenstraße 188 10119 Berlin…

Additional Information

limited seating

Registration required
030 280 46 862

Free admission