Photographic Materialities

Christine Bachmann, Astrid Busch, Marta Djourina, Magdalena Drebber, Ellen Fellmann, Annika Hippler, Margret Holz, Jenny Löbert, Erika Matsunami, Barbara Noculak, Barbara Schnabel, Kathrin Sohn, Elisabeth Stumpf, Gisela Weimann, Sabine Wild, Ila Wingen, Jessica Wolfelsperger

Every work of art and every picture possesses its own materiality. But how does this manifest in photography, a medium that usually downplays corporeality and opacity? The exhibition DIS/APPEAR combines seventeen positions that apply diverse strategies to the contrarily discussed notion of materiality.
DIS/APPEAR ranges from visible traces of a process-based methodology through the materiality of the support to the extension of photographic parameters into space and installation. The works shown overcome the supposed opposites of material image support (the photographic print) and the image’s immaterial appearance (the woman visible in the photograph). They conceive of the two as a continuous unity of showing and hiding, appearing and disappearing.


30.Oct 4:00 pm

Curator's tour with Sarah Frost


GEDOK Berlin Motzstraße 59 10777 Berlin

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Free admission

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