GERTI DEUTSCH 1908–1979 and JEANNE MANDELLO 1907–2001

Emigration Destiny

Gerti Deutsch, Jeanne Mandello

The exhibition reconstructs a chapter of the forgotten history of two photographers who emigrated from Germany and Austria. For the Viennese emigrant Gerti Deutsch, Picture Post, the anti-fascist magazine founded by the emigrant Stefan Lorant in 1938, became a new photographic home. The 1940s and 1950s in British exile proved to be her most productive years. Her oeuvre includes photographs from Vienna in the 1930s, reports on the children’s transports and escape, and the reconstruction of her native city Vienna after the end of the war. Jeanne Mandello, the photographer with the Leica, learned her handicraft at theLette Verein in Berlin. After losing her career to National Socialist persecution, Uruguay offered her a second chance as a photographer. The selected works range from motifs in Germany from around 1933 to Paris fashion shots circa 1935 to architecture photographs and reportages from Uruguay of the 1940s and 1950s.