Ilan Nachum's Sketches of Israel

Ilan Nachum

This exhibition of three series of works shows the social and political phenomena that have left a mark on everyday life in Israel: the downfall of the first settlers’ utopia, the treatment of the Arab population and the necessary absurdity of the Israeli military. The series Privatized documents the changes accompanying the privatization of the kibbutzim; the nocturnal sequences evoke a sense of loneliness and contrast with the classic iconography of collective life in a kibbutz. One hour on the beach connects the separated groups of secular Israelis and Muslim Arabs in a powerful presence of sky, beach and sea. Targets shows bizarre forms made of junk in the Negev Desert that serve as practice targets for the Israeli Air Force; surreal imagination merges with the reality of war. Ilan Nachum is virtuosic in the way he plays with the possibilities of art photography and documentation. Always careful to maintain a necessary distance, his profound connection with the photographed subject, life in Israel, is vividly palpable. 


8.Oct 4:00 pm

Guided tour through the exhibition with Ilan Nachum and Jörg Hasheider

Guided tour

On the occasion of his exhibition at Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten the Israeli artist Ilan Nachum is in Berlin. In an interview with Jörg Hasheider he gives an insight into the background of his work.


Galerie Nord I Kunstverein Tiergarten Turmstraße 75 10551 Berlin

Free admission

18.Oct 5:30 pm

Guided tour through the exhibition with Jörg Hasheider and Claudia Beelitz

The three fundamental conflicts in Israeli society are the decline of utopian vision of the first settlers, the influence of the military and the coexistence of Israelis and Arab population. During the tour these conflicts be examined in view of Ilan Nachum's works. Nachum's exceptional imagery and artistic conceptions contribute to break with stereotypical viewpoints.


Galerie Nord I Kunstverein Tiergarten Turmstraße 75 10551 Berlin

Free admission

27.Oct 7:30 pm

Oneness, Einheit. A film evening curated by Ronit Tayar

Film screening

In addition to Ilan Nachum's photographic impressions of Israel, the Israeli filmmaker Ronit Tayar, who lives in Berlin, shows a selection of video works to raise awareness of life in the Diaspora. In culturally changing environment, questions arise about faith, lifestyles and quality of life. The films show how Israeli emigrants explore their surroundings and gain new insights into their identity.


Galerie Nord I Kunstverein Tiergarten Turmstraße 75 10551 Berlin

Free admission