EMoP Berlin

European Month of Photography Berlin

The European Month of Photography Berlin is the largest photo festival in Germany and has taken place in Berlin every two years since 2004, presenting numerous exhibitions and events on historical and contemporary photography. The organiser is Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH in cooperation with museums, cultural institutions and galleries in Berlin and Potsdam. From initially 83 institutions with 93 exhibitions and 135,000 visitors, partner participation has risen to over 120 institutions, which in 2010 offered more than 140 exhibitions as well as 250 events and thus drew more than 500,000 national and international visitors.

Theme 2012: The View of the Other

From 19 October to 25 November 2012, the festival makes the capital city the focus of local and international attention as a photo metropolis for the fifth time. The European Month of Photography Berlin once again presents a broad spectrum of exhibitions and events that address this year’s theme The View of the Other from various perspectives and in doing so highlight a variety of thematic and medial aspects: topics such as the construction of identity, exoticisation, colonialism, voyeurism, reflections on the familiar and the alien and much more. The exhibitions and their protagonists, the photographers and artists, also enter into a dialogue that provides insights into the development and constitution of our society or societies.

The Jury 

Under the direction of the new curator Katia Reich, the jury selected round 100 participants and exhibitions from the over 150 applications received. The jury consisted of Florian Ebner (Museum für Photographie Braunschweig e.V.), Matthias Harder (Helmut Newton Foundation), Felix Hoffmann (C/O Berlin), Gereon Sievernich (Martin-Gropius-Bau) and Christiane Stahl (Alfred Erhardt Stiftung).

Jury Statement

‘In selecting the institutions participating with the exhibition projects and artistic presentations that they submitted, various aspects were taken into consideration. For the European Month of Photography Berlin from 19 October to 25 November 2012, what stood in the foreground were the artistic and photographic works with respect to their examination of different aspects of this year’s theme: The View of the Other. In doing so, the thematically relevant and artistically incisive handling of photography and the special historical facets of this medium were given particular attention. In the selection, the exhibition concepts and formats proposed were considered in light of these criteria. What thus emerges is an overall appearance of the European Month of Photography Berlin with an incisive mixture of solo and group exhibitions, contrasts, the awarding of commissions, competitions and historical exhibitions ranging from the 19th to the 21th century, which can be seen in institutions with very diverse profiles – from project spaces and photography schools to museums – in Berlin.’

Please note: the participants in the festival have already been selected. Applications to participate in the 5th European Month of Photography Berlin are, unfortunately, no longer possible.

The admissino fee to almost every exhibition of the festival is free.
That is the reason why there is no festival pass.