
Festival Catalogue

A 256-page catalogue is published in connection with the 5th European Month of Photography Berlin 2012 and can be purchased for the price of 7.50 € in the Festival Centre, in all participating institutions as well as at/from Kulturprojekte Berlin. 

Kulturprojekte Berlin (ed.): 5th European Month of Photography Berlin, with texts by Florian Ebner, Christopher Pinney, Katia Reich, Esther Ruelfs, Ines Schaber, Anke Schleper, Bernd Stiegler, Constanze Wicke; German/English, 256 pages, Kerber Verlag: Bielefeld/Berlin, 2012

Festival edition: 7.50 € plus shipping charges (sold by Kulturprojekte Berlin, click here); In bookshops: 18 €

Available from October 15th



Exhibition Catalogue distURBANces

A catalogue in English is published in connection with the exhibition distURBANces and can be purchased for the price of 10 € at the Festival Centre, at the Computerspielemuseum as well as from Kulturprojekte Berlin.

Kulturprojekte Berlin for the European Month of Photography (ed.): distURBANces - Can Fiction Beat Reality? with texts by Gunda Achleitner, Berthold Ecker, Paul di Felice, Vasja Nagy, Petra Noll, Katia Reich, Kolja Reichert, Rolf Sachsse, Gabriella Uhl; English, 100 pages, Berlin 2012

Festival edition now for 5 € !!! plus shipping charges (sold by Kulturprojekte, click here)

Available from October 15th


© Jonathan Rashad

Exhibition Catalogue Cairo. Open City

A catalogue is published in connection with the exhibition: Open City in the Festival Centre and can be purchased there.

Museum für Photographie Braunschweig (ed.): Cairo: Open City – New Testimonies from an Ongoing Revolution, with texts by Khalid Abdalla, Lara Baladi, Mai Elwakil, Amira El Ahl, Rowan El Shimi, Ahmad Gharbeia, Philip Rizk; English/German/Arabic, Spector Books: Leipzig, 2012

The price in bookshops to follow shortly.

Available soon - Please contact the Museum für Photographie Braunschweig