
© René Groebli / Pinter & Milch


The exhibitions grouped under the theme Voyeurism follow the general and overarching description of the term, which, derived from the French voir (to see), describes the phenomenon of observing not only the unclothed body or the sexual act but also the suffering of others. Curiosity, desire and Schaulust (Freud – ‘pleasure in looking’) are also the driving forces that – from a media-critical perspective – are also increasingly associated with paparazzi photography and the – voyeuristic – observing of accidents, crimes and natural disasters. 

BEST-Sabel Bildungszentrum; BLOW Photo Magazine; BrotfabrikGalerie; FENSTER61. Fenster für Fotoprojekte; Fotoatelier Am Schönen Berg; Galerie argus fotokunst; Galerie Jamurschek + Partner; HAUS am KLEISTPARK; Hengesbach Gallery; Kominek Gallery; PHOTOPLATZ c/o Hotel Bogota (Ice | The future is unwritten); Pinter & Milch. Galerie für Fotografie; Polnisches Institut Berlin; WHITECONCEPTS by Nicole F. Loeser

© Stefan Canham, Nguyen Phuong-Dan / 25books

Cultural and National Identities

As a result of its representational nature, photography not only creates and reinforces beliefs about national and religious identities and our cultural self-image but can conversely also be used to question them. In the arts themselves, photography is also a medium of self-reflection and artistic resonance. The exhibitions associated with this context touch on diverse aspects of identity, nation and culture. 

25books; ALFRED EHRHARDT STIFTUNG; alte feuerwache. projektraum; Artificial Image. Berlin; Berlinische Galerie; BrotfabrikGalerie; f/16 Schule für Fotografie; Galerie Berinson; Galerie Kai Dikhas; Gestalten Space; Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen; Instituto Cervantes Berlin; Italienisches Kulturinstitut Berlin; Kunst- und Atelierhaus Meinblau (Moving mountains | What others dream of ); Kunstverein Tiergarten | Galerie Nord; Kunstverein Wedding; Mitte Museum; Museum für Fotografie. Kunstbibliothek Sammlung Fotografie/SMB; OSTKREUZ – Agentur der Fotografen; RECEPTION; Scotty Enterprises; Staatsgalerie Prenzlauer Berg; stattberlin; Swedish Photography; WW48 Studio

© Joel Sternfeld / C/O Berlin

Urban and Peripheral Spaces 

City and periphery are subject to constant political and social change as well as topics that are examined by many photographers and artists: upheavals of the post-industrial age and the effects of financial and economic crises lead to severe divisions both in society as well as in landscapes themselves, and at the same time change the relationship of city and country and how people relate their living environments. The theme Urban and Peripheral Spaces brings together various aspects of the exploration of city, urban structures, peripheries and of human relationships to them.

alte feuerwache. projektraum; Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule; BEST-Sabel Bildungszentrum; Botschaft von Luxemburg; Botschaft von Irland; Club der Polnischen Versager; C/O Berlin; exhibeo galerie; Fahnemann Projects; Fotogalerie Friedrichshain; Galerie cubus-m; GALERIE KAI HILGEMANN (GENERATOR | VANISHED HORIZON); Galerie Kornfeld; Galerie LUX Berlin; Galerie Pankow; Institut français Berlin; Kicken Berlin; KunstBüroBerlin; only photography; Petra Rietz Salon Galerie (Arrivare / Wolfsburg: Picutures of a Young City | Living Room); Plattenpalast

© Stephanie Kloss / LAURA MARS GRP.


The theme Interspaces is devoted to attempts to portray the ineffable and to visualise the unconscious. It brings together aspects of photography that lie between strict classifications and clear lines of demarcation and subjects that arise from an unclear difference or from the fuzziness of highly complex processes: people, public spaces, landscapes and architectures, which are in a state of constant flux.

BLOW Photo Magazine; bobsairport; C/O Berlin; Chert; Collection Regard; DAS VERBORGENE MUSEUM; Deutsche Guggenheim; Deutscher Künstlerbund; Fahnemann Projects; Forum der Neuen Schule für Fotografie. Berlin; Fotoatelier Am Schönen Berg; frontviews; Galerie cubus-m; GALERIE KAI HILGEMANN (GENRATOR | HORIZON VANISHED); Galerie WAGNER + PARTNER; Gallery TAIK; Haus der Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Geschichte; Institut français Berlin; Investitionsbank Berlin; Kominek Gallery; LAURA MARS GRP.; Lette-Verein; Loock Galerie; Martin-Gropius-Bau; Museum für Fotografie. Kunstbibliothek Sammlung Fotografie/SMB; OSTKREUZ – Agentur der Fotografen; und.Institut für Kunst, Kultur & Zukunftsfähigkeit

© Werner David Feist: Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin


On the surface, the Structures theme subsumes exhibitions according to various formal, aesthetic criteria: elements in this category include the compositions and formats of images, angles, focus and blur, positioning of the camera, structuring by means of lines and zones of colour and grey.  In addition, each exhibition opens up thematic, experimental and distinctly artistic horizons and viewpoints that show that photographic techniques and formal criteria also contain a representation of reality that is unique to them.

Akademie der Künste; Bauhaus-Archiv/Museum für Gestaltung; Deutsche Guggenheim; Deutscher Künstlerbund; Fahnemann Projects; Galerie cubus-m; GALERIE KAI HILGEMANN (GENERATOR | HORIZON VANISHED) ; Galerie Kornfeld; Galerie Koschmieder; Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST; KunstBüroBerlin; Kunstverein Wedding; Pavlov’s Dog – Raum für Fotografie; photo edition berlin; PHOTOPLATZ c/o Hotel Bogota; RECEPTION; stattberlin; Vice Versa Vertrieb; Zweigstelle Berlin

© Stephen Mooney / aff. atelier freier fotografen


Berlin: capital and seat of government, a political centre as well as metropolis of art and culture. The city advertises its ‘sexiness’ and plays on its poverty. It is the epitome of urbanity and yet at the same time is praised for its collective spirit and the village-like character of its neighbourhoods. A city in constant flux, in a state of radical metamorphosis, boldly trying to integrate the scars of historical disunity in its branding. The exhibitions grouped here under the Berlin theme offer insights into the diverse facets of the metropolis for Berlin connoisseurs and curious newcomers alike. In addition to historic moments, they also invite visitors to hidden and unknown locations and reflect great and lesser events in Berlin’s history in the mirror of photography.

aff. atelier freier fotografen; Bezirksmuseum Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg; Fotomarathon Berlin; Franz-Mehring-Platz 1; Kicken Berlin; Kommunale Galerie Berlin; Kulturamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf; Landesarchiv Berlin; Loock Galerie; Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin

© Ina Köhler / Galerie Ina Köhler

Personal Identity

The medium of photography is particularly suited to reflecting identity and the process of discovering one’s personality since it always mirrors both the twofold constructed quality of one’s own identity and the volatility of the identity assigned by the observer’s gaze and the eye of the camera. The theme Personal Identity brings together exhibitions that are devoted to the particularities and idiosyncrasies of individuals.

CAMERA WORK; c.wichtendahl. galerie; f/16 Schule für Fotografie; Forum der Neuen Schule für Fotografie. Berlin; Galerie Berinson; Galerie Ina Köhler; Galerie MAIFOTO; Galerie UF6 PROJECTS; Galerie zone B Kunstraum Berlin; Gallery TAIK; Haus am Lützowplatz; Italienisches Kulturinstitut Berlin; Martin-Gropius-Bau; Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie. Abschlussklasse 2012; Pavlov’s Dog – Raum für Fotografie; Pflüger68 Bürogemeinschaft und Galerie; Reha-Steglitz; Staatsgalerie Prenzlauer Berg; Swedish Photography; Vice Versa Vertrieb