
19.Oct 6:00 pm

The Alchemist Heinz Hajek-Halke. Late Photo-Graphics

Tour of the Exhibition with the curator Rolf Sachsse

Akademie der Künste Pariser Platz 4 10117 Berlin

The guided tour is included in the admission (6€ / reduced 4€)

19.Oct 7:00 pm

In Transit

Tour of the exhibition with the Curator Jaana Prüss

The project IN TRANSIT situates the ‘View of the Other’ in a discourse with our societies of today, and stimulates a ‘dialogue of views’. Works by professional and art photographers enter into a dialogue with images submitted by members of our societies in reponse to an open call. The curator Jaana Prüss talks about selected works during a walk through the presentation.


und.Institut S-Bahnhof Ostkreuz, Markgrafendamm 10245 Berlin

Free admission

20.Oct 11:00 am

The Alchemist. Heinz Hajek-Halke. Late Photo-Graphics

Tour of the Exhibition with the curator Rolf Sachsse (for students)

Akademie der Künste Pariser Platz 4 10117 Berlin

Registration required

030 . 200 57 2189
20.Oct 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

A Visit with…Arthur de Ganay

The private collector Arthur de Ganay presents and explains large-format landscape and architecture photography, including German photographic art of the Düsseldorfer School with works by Candida Höfer, Thomas Ruff, Elger Esser and others.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin

Fotografiesammlung Arthur de Ganay Köpenicker Straße 10A 10997 Berlin

Registration required

Limited participants

Free admission

20.Oct 3:00 pm

The Alchemist Heinz Hajek-Halke. Late Photo-Graphics

Tour of the Exhibition with the curator Rolf Sachsse

Akademie der Künste Pariser Platz 4 10117 Berlin

The guided tour is included in the admission (6€ / reduced 4€)

20.Oct 3:00 pm

distURBANces – Can Fiction Beat Reality?

Tour and Discussion with the Artist Thibault Brunet and the Curator Andreas Lange Organized by Computerspielemuseum Berlin und Kulturprojekte Berlin

Computerspielemuseum Berlin Karl-Marx-Allee 93A 10243 Berlin

The guided tour is included in the admission price (8€ / reduced 5€)

20.Oct 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Divided Views, Shared Views

Tour of the Exhibition with the Curator Petra Schröck

BrotfabrikGalerie Caligariplatz 1 13086 Berlin

Free admission

22.Oct 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

The Shuttered Society. Art Photography in the GDR 1949 – 1989

Tour of the Exhibition with the Intern Jana Duda

The exhibition Geschlossene Gesellschaft (‘private party’) presents the first overview of art photography in the GDR. During the tour, you can discuss with the curator the conditions under independent artists were able to work in an authoritarian state, whether certain kinds of art were banned, what subjects and questions were important to photographers in the GDR and whether there was a connection between art and politics.


Berlinische Galerie. Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur Alte Jakobstraße 124-128 10969 Berlin…

The guided tour is included in the admission price (8€ / reduced 5€)

25.Oct 6:00 pm

Janos Frecot. Péter Nádas

Tour and Talk in the exhibition with Janos Frecot, Dr. Enno Kaufhold (freelance photo-historian) and Dr. Christiane Stahl (Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung)

Kicken Berlin Linienstraße 161A/155 10115 Berlin

27.Oct 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

A Visit with…Christian Schwarm

The private collector Christian Schwarm presents selected works by Peter Piller in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin

Sammlung Christian Schwarm Zossener Straße 55 Aufgang A im Torbogen 10963 Berlin

Registration required

Booked out!

Free admission

28.Oct 11:00 am

The Alchemist Heinz Hajek-Halke. Late Photo-Graphics

Tour of the Exhibition with the photographer Michael Ruetz

Akademie der Künste Pariser Platz 4 10117 Berlin

The guided tour is included in the admission (6€ / reduced 4€)

28.Oct 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Out and About with…Claire Laude

The French photographer Claire Laude loves discovering urban spaces that tell of other times and other working worlds. In her projects to date she has photographed thirty of Berlin’s century-old shops, among other locations. On her tour through Mitte to Prenzlauer Berg, she offers a peek into a long-standing tradesmen’s workshop, presents the working method of the Finnish artist Elina Brotherus at the Gallery TAIK, and last but not least, opens the doors of her producers’ gallery, exp12.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin

Meeting Point: Weltzeituhr Alexanderplatz 10178 Berlin

Additional Information

Bike required

Registration required

Booked out!

Free admission

2.Nov 6:30 pm

Tour with Denis Sennefelder

(Graduate 2012 of Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie)

After the tour at 8pm: Bar and music with WÃLAĶŬŞTĪĶ in the 3rd floor at the Ehemaliges Kaufhaus Maassen

Organized by Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie Berlin

Ehemaliges Kaufhaus Maassen Oranienplatz 17 10999 Berlin

3.Nov 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

A Visit with…Marc Barbey

In the Collection Regard, the private collector Marc Barbey has designed an ‘exhibition on the exhibition’ of the photographer Hein Gorny (1904–1967), which was presented in the spectrum Photogalerie Hanover, in 1972. He leads the discussion together with the independent photography historian Dr. Enno Kaufhold.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin

Collection Regard Steinstr. 12 10119 Berlin

Registration required

Limited to 15 participants, registration opens 10 October 2012

Free admission

4.Nov 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Out and About with…Jens Ullrich

The tour begins with Jens Ullrich’s own exhibition ‘Masken’ (Masks) in the RECEPTION gallery, which shows a series of collages of an ambiguous character that has little to do with received notions of African art. Opposite the exhibition, on the other side of Kurfürstenstrasse, is the Center, a space where Jens Ullrich has been inviting artist friends to exhibit for several years now. There Jens Ullrich will present the current exhibition ‘Weltweite Liebe’(World-wide Love) by Alice Münch and Ann-Kristin Hamm, and afterwards take participants to the Musical Instruments Museum, which offers an interesting perspective on his ‘Masken’ exhibition.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin

Meeting Point: Reception Kurfürstenstr. 5/5A 10785 Berlin

Registration required

Limited to 15 participants, registration opens 10 October 2012

Admission is required for the Musikinstrumenten-Museum: 4€/reduced 2€

10.Nov 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

A Visit with…Thomas Rusche

At the SØR Rusche offices in Berlin, the private collector Thomas Rusche presents selected works by Nobuyoshi Araki, Beza, Pieter Hugo, Vandy Rattana and others, which initiate the unusual dialogue between the Old Masters and contemporary photography. He leads the discussion together with the artist Carina Linge.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin

Sør Rusche Sammlung Oelde/Berlin, Repräsentanz Berlin Schlüterstr. 53 10629 Berlin

Registration required

Booked out!

Free admission

10.Nov 4:00 pm

Tour through the School and Exhibition

Marc Volk, photographer and professor at the Neue Schule für Fotografie, guides visitors through the school within the framework of the 5th European Month of Photography. Afterwards, Eva Maria Ocherbauer and the graduates present the final exhibition.


Forum der Neuen Schule für Fotografie Berlin Brunnenstraße 188 10119 Berlin

11.Nov 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

12 Answers to Berlin

Tour with the Curator Hansgert Lambers

The photographer and publisher Hansgert Lambers, who has devoted himself to contemporary author photography for many years, presents 12 artists and selected works.


Kommunale Galerie Berlin Hohenzollerndamm 176 10713 Berlin

Registration required
030 9029 16704

Free admission

11.Nov 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Out and About with…Andreas Mühe

His portraits are like epic excursions to other worlds. On his tour through Berlin’s central borough Mitte, Andreas Mühe offers a parcours of a special kind: he accompanies Joel Sternfeld across the United States at C/O Berlin, follows Michael Lange through forest landscapes at the ALFRED EHRHARDT STIFTUNG, and travels with Sergei Michaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky back to the Tsars’ Russian Empire at Gestalten Space. At the same time, the choreography of the tour offers insights into the history of colour photography.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin

Meeting Point: C/O Berlin Oranienburger Str. 35/36 10117 Berlin

Registration required

Booked out!

Admission for C/O Berlin: 8€/reduced 4€

12.Nov 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm


Tour of the Exhibition with the Intern Jana Duda

The exhibition Geschlossene Gesellschaft (‘private party’) presents the first overview of art photography in the GDR. During the tour, you can discuss with the curator the conditions under independent artists were able to work in an authoritarian state, whether certain kinds of art were banned, what subjects and questions were important to photographers in the GDR and whether there was a connection between art and politics.


Berlinische Galerie. Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur Alte Jakobstraße 124-128 10969 Berlin…

The guided tour is included in the admission price (8€ / reduced 5€)

15.Nov 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm


Tour of the Exhibition with the Curator Sigrid Schulze

Mitte Museum. Regionalgeschichtliches Museum für Mitte, Tiergarten, Wedding in Berlin Pankstraße 47 13357 Berlin

Free admission

17.Nov 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

A Visit to…the Helmut Newton Foundation

In the exhibition White Women / Sleepness Nudes / Big Nudes, the Helmut Newton Foundation presents motifs from Newton’s first three publications, which have been published since 1976. The discussion is led by the curator of the Helmut Newton Foundation Matthias Harder and the gallery owner and photography expert Nadine Barth.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin

Helmut Newton Foundation Jebensstraße 2 Museum für Fotografie 10623 Berlin

Registration required

Limited to 15 participants, registration opens 10 October 2012

Participation is included in the admission: 8€/4€

17.Nov 5:00 pm

Tour through the Exhibition with Thomas Sandberg

Professor at the Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie Thomas Sandberg leads visitors through the exhibition in dialogue with the artists on the final day of the exhibition and within the framework of the European Month of Photography Berlin.


Ehemaliges Kaufhaus Maassen Oranienplatz 17 10999 Berlin

18.Nov 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Out and About with…Björn Siebert

Image forums such as Flickr and Webshot flood the Internet with amateur photos and cell phone snapshots of private parties, personal holiday impressions and friends. In his series Remakes, the photographer Björn Siebert examines the collective photographic documentation of today’s reality by reproducing the subjects in great detail. After a visit to his exhibition, Siebert takes participants through the rediscovered visual world of Dennis Hopper (1936–2010) in the Martin-Gropius-Bau.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin

Treffpunkt: Hengesbach Gallery Charlottenstr. 1 10969 Berlin

Registration required

Limited to 15 participants, registration opens 10 October 2012

Admission for Martin-Gropius-Bau is required: 4€

18.Nov 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Tour through the Exhibition with Prof. Matthias Leupold, Charlotte Ernst and Sara Müller

Rector of the BTK and head of the degree program in the photography department, Prof. Matthias Leupold, and the photography students Charlotte Ernst and Sara Müller at the BTK – Hochschule für Gestaltung offer a tour through the school and exhibition within the framework of the European Month of Photography.


Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule Bernburger Straße 24/25 10963 Berlin

24.Nov 6:00 pm

"Cairo. Open City" Tour of the exhibition with Constanze Wicke

Führung durch die Ausstellung mit Constanze Wicke

Constanze Wicke (Co-Curator, Museum für Photographie Braunschweig) leads visitors through the exhibition "Cairo. Open City".


Festivalzentrum Pariser Platz 4A 10117 Berlin

Eintritt frei

25.Nov 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm


Tour of the Exhibition with the Curator Claudia Wasow-Kania

Mitte Museum. Regionalgeschichtliches Museum für Mitte, Tiergarten, Wedding in Berlin Pankstraße 47 13357 Berlin

Free admission

25.Nov 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Out and About with…Arwed Messmer and Annett Gröscher

In 1952, the photographer Fritz Tiedemann documented Fruchtstrasse in Berlin between Ostbahnhof und Stalinallee in the form of a sequence of building façades. This is the source material for the new photographic and literary project Berlin, Fruchtstrasse am 27. März 1952 by Arwed Messmer and the novelist Annett Gröschner, which addresses the documentary facets of photography. The two artists take participants through their exhibition together as well as through the street, which has since been renamed to commemorate the Paris Commune.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin

Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 Foyer des ND-Hauses 10243 Berlin

Registration required

Limited to 15 participants, registration opens 10 October 2012

Free admission