European Month of Photography

The European Month of Photography (EMoP) is a network of European photo festivals. The concept goes back to the Paris Mois de la Photo established by Jean-Luc Monterosso in 1980 and organised by the Maison Européenne de la Photographie. The European Month of Photography was established in 2004 along with the partner cities of Berlin, Vienna and Paris. In 2006, the cities of Bratislava, Moscow, Rome and Luxemburg were added, and this year Budapest and Ljubljana are participating for the first time. In these metropolises, renowned photo festivals take place at least every two years. The aim of the network is to focus the attention of the public on the media of photography in all the cities for a number of weeks by means of a concentrated range of exhibitions, events and publications.

Furthermore, the European Month of Photography is also concerned with cooperation on the European level, with the exchange of information and experiences, the reciprocal effects of teaching and learning and last but not least with encouraging creativity and supporting younger artists. This cooperation is reflected among other things in a jointly conceived exhibition of contemporary photography, which is shown in an adapted form in the partner cities. In 2012, this exhibition is titled distURBANces.


distURBANces: Can Fiction beat Reality?

distURBANces is the title of the joint exhibition of the EMoP partner cities of Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Luxemburg, Paris and Vienna. In Berlin, two positions from this exhibition are presented: the work Excursions in the Dark (2011) by Kaya Behkalam at the Festival Centre within the framework of the exhibition Cairo: Open City as well as Thibault Brunet’s series Vice City (2007–2012) in the Computerspielemuseum (Computer Game Museum) as a solo exhibition.

European Partner Cities and Their Festivals: