Artists at Work

Elina Brotherus

Gallery TAIK is proud to present Elina Brotherus’s most recent photographs from the series Artists at Work. Brotherus once again uses herself as the principal model in her pictures. However, in contrast to her previous works she uses her role as a model to challenge our sense of objectivity. The series is a study of perception, a triangular interaction between herself and two painters as they try to capture her portrait on canvas. In these photographs Brotherus subtly undermines our sense of self by blurring the outlines of reality through the act of interpretation. This series leaves us with the question who is looking at whom and how we process what we are actually seeing. Brotherus invites the viewer to take the stage and become part of the interaction, seeing the model as both subject and object simultaneously. The View of the Other not what we see, but what we feel through the sense of being included. The new monograph Artist and Her Model by Elina Brotherus will be released during the exhibition at Gallery TAIK.