
Exhibition of the 2012 Graduating Class of Ostkreuz School of Photography

Abschlussjahrgang der Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie 2012, Mark Alker, Anna Duda, Hanna Fuhrmann, Baris Guerkan, Romy Kaa, Zuzanna Kaluzna, Birte Kaufmann, Isabel Kiesewetter, César Martins, Eric Meier, Kevin Mertens, Yvonne Philipp, Philipp Plum, Ulrike Schmitz, Ina Schoenenburg, Stjepan Sedlar, Denis Sennefelder, Sarah Steffen, Stephanie Steinkopf, Fabian Vaccaro

The exhibition echos (echoes) presents the sixth graduating class of the Ostkreuz School of Photography in the former Maassen department store in Oranienplatz. The themes of the graduates’ final projects are diverse: men in search of meaning, the conversion of former military installations, the examination of one’s own family background or of poverty in Germany. What the works have in common is a persevering gaze. The students explore their theme for a year, and look at protagonists, objects and landscapes so long that the alien becomes familiar to them – and the familiar appears in a new light. Training in documentary, journalistic and art photography at the Ostkreuz school is characterised by continuous discourse on the works created. As a result, those works reflect the critical gaze of the viewer as well as the continuing development of the photographer’s eye.