IBB Photography Award

IBB Preisträger 2012 | IBB prize winners 2012

The IBB Photography Award was established in 2007 as a joint initiative of the Investitionsbank Berlin and the Karl Hofer Society, which is the association of friends of the Berlin University of the Arts. The purpose of the IBB Photography Award is to foster outstanding graduates of the Berlin University of the Arts who have dedicated themselves to photography, are not older than thirty-five, and completed their studies no more than five years ago. The award is competitive: the Karl Hofer Society selects professors at the Berlin University of the Arts to propose three suitable candidates, each of whom then presents three photographic works to a jury. In addition to fostering young artists, the prize is also intended to document the development of contemporary photography. In addition to the cash award of 5,000 euros, the winning artists also have the opportunity to present their works to a broad public at the IBB offices as part of the exhibition series Schöne Aussichten (Good Prospects).