Same-Same, but Different

James Clancy

Dark streets, silhouetted buildings and figures: At a first glance the nighttime urban scenes illuminated by single streetlights seem to portray the very same location. Only on a closer look do the differences become visible. As often happens in a global reality, the diversity in James Clancy’s black-and-white photography is in the details. His portrayals of nocturnal city life originate in Dublin, Cork, Berlin, Paris, Zagreb and Macau. Brought up in the Irish countryside, Clancy moved to the city early on. His works deal with the relation of humans to their urban environment, which becomes increasingly uniform in a globalized world. In the anonymity of night, intimate moments are spotlighted, ready to be discovered by the viewer. James Clancy lives and works in Berlin. He has exhibited in Paris, London, Vienna, Barcelona, Macau and Shanghai. His photo book debut Border Country was named a Selected Title at the 2012 German Photo Book Awards.