Shared Moments!

2 People, 2 Generations, 2 Views of the Other

Ann-Sophie Lindstroem, Marc Theis

Both artists were born and raised in Luxembourg. Both made photography their passion and went abroad to study – at the same technical college in Hanover, but over thirty years apart. Marc Theis, born in 1953, regularly visited his home town of Düdelingen during and after his studies in Hanover, recording with a medium-format camera the people and their surroundings in the shadow of the steel plant in the early 1980s – shortly before the blast furnace was shut down. Pictures of bygone days – children playing on the streets – moments that will never come again. Ann-Sophie Lindstroem, born 1984, made the acquaintance of a Hanover punk. Their enjoyment of photography led to a wonderful documentation of punk homes. The series Punk ist kein Kaffeekränzchen (Punk Is Not Coffee and Cakes) shows serene and intimate moments in the world of these ‘others’ in the middle of a contemporary big city.