12 Responses to Berlin

Akinbode Akinbiyi, Jérémie Aubouin, Andreas Burger, Serge Clément, Stéphane Duroy, Benedetta Grossrubatscher, Vincenzo Guarnera, Katherine Newbegin, Marek Pozniak, Gino Puddu, Andy Rumball, Abby Storey

The twelve photographers exhibited come from eight different countries. For some of them, Berlin was only a stopover, for others, a place to work for a time. Others still are long-time residents. These outsiders have not one, but twelve perspectives on Berlin. Some were in search of something special, others looked for what they knew from other big cities. The perspectives adopted, the techniques used and their personal pictorial languages differ. Nearly all of them look for traces of history, such as the vanished Wall and the gaps and makeshifts that it left behind. They are amazed at the still visible aftermath of the Second World War; they take aesthetic pleasure in the morbidity of rusting iron and crumbling façades. Other works are dedicated to the everyday, to the easily overlooked. For those who have decided to stay here, this means exploring the constants as well as the changes in their own neighbourhoods.