Between Us

Edith Maria Balk, Wolfgang Eschenhorn, Anneliese Fechner, Erhard Flach, Pia Heuer, Sybille Hoffmann, Anna Homburg, Cornelia Ogiolda, Thilo Seibt, Thomas Tillmann

The space between us is never empty: it is filled with experiences, ideas, emotions; it divides or connects us geographically, culturally, as people; it can be a boundary or a fleeting thought. Ten photographers explore the space ‘between us’. Not to reinforce divisions, but to understand the view of the other by examining the interstitial spaces.
Very personally,
- Sibylle Hoffmann shows the ties between generations in the fabric of families;
- Erhard Flach seeks the meeting of cultures in his daughter’s relationship with a Muslim man.
Not only spatially,
- Thilo Seibt discovers dividing and connecting aspects of a river that forms a border;
- Anna Homburg merges two countries into one reality;
- Pia Heuer links Berliners with their favourite places in the city.
Altogether strangely,
- Wolfgang Eschenhorn looks at society through migrant eyes;
- Thomas Tillmann compares past and present motivations of Italian immigrants.
Quite sympathetically,
- Edith Maria Balk exposes the limits of human kindness;
- Anneliese Fechner examines aversion and rejection;
- Cornelia Ogiolda rediscovers what was once alien in old pictures.