Dialogue of Views Between East and West (2nd Location)

The Berlin Photomarathon exhibits in the Supermarkt in the borough of Wedding and in the Kopfkino in Friedrichshain. The theme of the exhibition is the diversity of Berlin and the contrasts between today and yesterday, between Us and the Other. What emerges is a multi-perspective dialogue of views: locations and participants engage one another in conversation; seeing the photos and making the short trip between East and West creates an experience of the multifaceted character of Berlin. The images record a summer day in a city in transition. They are the result of an examination of the city, of ourselves and others, of ‘original’ Berliners and Berliners-by-choice.
The Photomarathon is a photo competition that takes place under intense conditions. The participants are presented with a total of twenty-four individual themes which have to be treated photographically in the prescribed order within twelve hours. A selection of the photos from June 2012 will be shown in the exhibition at the two locations. In addition, a mini-Photomarathon will be held during the European Month of Photography that links the two locations and extends the look at Berlin into autumn.