distURBANces – Can Fiction Beat Reality?
Thibault Brunet
In the framework of the European project distURBANces, the Month of Photography presents works by the French artist Thibault Brunet in the Computerspielemuseum (Computer Game Museum) Berlin. Brunet deals with the topic of reality and the imitation of reality by means of antagonistic photographic practices that oscillate in the purely digital sphere between reportage, painting, film stills and fine art. In series Vice City (2007 – 2012), he is an avatar taking ‘real’ photographs with a virtual camera of ‘surreal’ details and solitary architectures in vast landscapes in the virtual worlds of the computer game Grand Theft Auto (GTA). Brunet’s images thus become a contra position: first of all aesthetically, because the photographs consist of an extreme contrast to the otherwise forceful visual system of the game made up of tower blocks, cars and gangsters, on the other ideally, because he takes on the role of an art photographer, not a gangster. In the temporary exhibition space of the Computerspielemuseum, Brunet’s Vice City thus appears in a close, yet nonetheless remote context.
Computerspielemuseum Berlin
18.10. – 26.11.2012
Vernissage 17.10.2012 6:00 pm
Computerspielemuseum BerlinKarl-Marx-Allee 93A
10243 Berlin
T 030 . 60 98 85 77
Wed–Mon 10 am–8 pm
Public transport
U5 Weberwiese, S5, S7, S75 Ostbahnhof
Admission price
8 € / reduced 5 €
Katia ReichPartners
Andreas Lange, Computerspielemuseum BerlinCatalog
Kulturprojekte Berlin for European Month of Photography (ed.): distURBANces - Can Fiction Beat Reality? With essays by Gunda Achleitner, Berthold Ecker, Paul di Felice, Vasja Nagy, Petra Noll, Katia Reich, Kolja Reichert, Rolf Sachsse, Gabriella Uhl; English, 100 pp., Berlin, 2012