Gender Studies

Bettina Rheims

Bettina Rheims says she wants to see and show people as they see themselves. In keeping with this philosophy, and with an awareness of the social importance of the topic, Rheims has once again worked with transgender people. She has created a fascinating portrait series titled Gender Studies with 25 people who defy the categorisation of masculinity and femininity. The viewer’s eye tries to classify the people portrayed, but they are either in a temporary state of transition or in a permanent equilibrium between the sexes. Wearing cut, ripped, and transparent clothing – exposing and concealing them at the same time – their frail-looking bodies tell their life stories. The eyes of the protagonists look sometimes courageous, sometimes shy, but they all seek confrontation with the camera – and the viewer. Through this encounter, they touch the viewer and awaken a desire to know more about them. At the same time, they make us realize how easily we are disconcerted when our habitual perceptions are questioned.