
Maja Forsslund

At the age of twenty-two, Maja Forsslund was accepted at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. She examined the human body in life drawing courses and learned the painter’s craft. In sketches she began to interpret and create based on human forms. She studied muscle groups and the forms and development of bones and sinews in every detail, and learned to observe and record the differences between bodies and how they are shaped by time and life. She continued her studies at the Academy of Fine Art in Cracow, where she began to work use the camera to record and preserve her observations like a collector. In the middle of the studio, she creates scenes with nude models, uses props, plaster models and a wide range of utensils, and photographs the results. The camera inexorably connects these small details with the nude. Forsslund herself says, "These 'other elements' are the pictures. They create the absurdity, the sometimes surrealistic universe."