The Critical Camera

Focusing on Flash Points

Nina Berman, Leona Goldstein, Robert Knoth, Katharina Mouratidi

The exhibition The Critical Camera presents four photographers who are active internationally and members of the Society for Humanistic Photography. What they have in common is a critical perspective on social inequality and international conflicts and how they affect individuals and groups. In their series of images, the photographers take a clear stance and address topics such as the displacement of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin by the oil industry, the Alternative Nobel Prize (both Katharina Mouratidi), the effects of nuclear disasters in the former territory of the Soviet Union (Robert Knoth) and the physical and psychological consequences of the war in Iraq for US soldiers (Nina Berman). Leona Goldstein accompanies refugees on the borders of Europe. Beyond topical media issues, their photographs lend visibility to people affected by war and globalisation and once again demonstrate the importance of dedicated, documentary photography today.