The Familiar and the Unfamiliar

Fotoschüler des 3. Ausbildungsjahres BEST-Sabel Bildungszentrum

Throughout history people have been influenced by external events and behaviour – due to war, economic and religious influences or mass migration. We notice fashion and lifestyle trends set and followed by our children, neighbours, colleagues and friends. We adopt or reject them – but in either case live with them. How do we deal with these phenomena? Are the same things ‘in’ here as elsewhere? How much do we value the familiar? What is strange and unfamiliar to us? The exhibition does not pretend to find definitive answers, to educate or to exhaust the subject. The students’ very personal photographic approaches and interpretations provide insights into this topic and provoke thought, sometimes drastically, sometimes in more subtle ways. The exhibited works were created during a six-month project by third-year students and reflect their views on the familiar and unfamiliar.