The View of the Other

Studierende der Berliner Technischen Kunsthochschule | BTK students

New York, Hanoi, Tarkovo, Mila 23 2007 – 2011: Annual street photography workshop in New York accompanied by studio visits and lectures by renowned local artists and a final exhibition in Berlin. Direction: Thomas Keller and Todd Weinstein. 2011: Documentation of a Swiss-led collective in the village of Tarkovo, south of Moscow. The photographs bear witness to private social initiative in the cultural exchange between East and West. Direction: Andrej Glusgold and Matthias Leupold. 2011: Encounters, BTK photography students teaching a workshop with disabled children in Hanoi, Vietnam, victims of the long-term effects of Agent Orange. The results of two trips in 2010 and 2011 were published in 2011 as a book called Encounters. Direction: Matthias Leupold. 2012: At the Fringe of United Europe, a picture series on ethnic Lipovans, a Russian-speaking minority in Northern Dobrogea, Romania, whose ancestors fled Russia in the 17th century due to religious turmoil. Direction: Lucian Spatariu and Matthias Leupold. 2012: Homeland – Identity, results of a project course. Direction: Andrej Glusgold.