Looks of Change

Aenne Burghardt

People come and are given space to present themselves. Some allow themselves be enticed or seduced, others test themselves and reinvent themselves. Each individual shows just as much of himself or herself as he or she truly wants. What happens when life projects become obsolete, when patterns of order are threatened and emotional resilience is required? The willingness and ability to challenge oneself, to allow oneself to be challenged, may suddenly be called for. Ideas between waking life and dreams, the possible and the impossible, or illusions and reality create a network of being, hope and change. Visible and invisible boundaries appear, and must be preserved as protection against the revealing power of the camera and the voyeuristic spirit of our time. Portraits are an expression of their time, but the present is restless, insecure, and confusing. Sudden encounters with the unexpected arise through playful interaction and in the choice of concealing or decorative accessories. Enigmatic and ingeniously ironic perspectives arise as if of their own accord.