Finissages Friday 23.10.

Exhibitions Friday 23.10.

Events Friday 23.10.

9:00 am



Die Popularisierung des Smartphones ist gleichbedeutend mit einem Paradigmen­wechsel in der Welt der Bilder – eine Revolution, die Alltag und visuelle Praxen verändert hat. Das Smartphone ist zu einem universellen Tool für Kommunikation, Konsum und Medienproduktion geworden. Zw ...

Museum für Fotografie Jebensstraße 2 Museum für Fotografie 10623 Berlin…

9:00 am



Die Popularisierung des Smartphones ist gleichbedeutend mit einem Paradigmen­wechsel in der Welt der Bilder – eine Revolution, die Alltag und visuelle Praxen verändert hat. Das Smartphone ist zu einem universellen Tool für Kommunikation, Konsum und Medienproduktion geworden. Zwölf Jahre nach der ersten Tagung der Kommission Fotografie der Deutschen Ge­sellschaft für Volkskunde über die digitale Fotografie erkundet die Tagung, wie sich die digitale Visualisierung in Fotografie und Film vor allem durch das Smartphone fortentwickelt hat.

Organized by Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Museum für Fotografie - Sammlung Fotografie der Kunstbibliothek SMB Jebensstraße 2 Museum für Fotografie 10623 Berlin…

Registration required

by 28.09.2020 at the latest

20 € /10 €

6:00 pm

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Martin Liebscher

Online Artist Talk

Here the artist makes the music: Martin Liebscher photographed himself 6,000 times in different poses at the Berliner Philharmonie concert hall. This large-format photograph from his series “Family Photos,” currently on view in the show “Time Present,” humorously investigates ...

PalaisPopulaire Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

6:00 pm

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Martin Liebscher

Online Artist Talk

Here the artist makes the music: Martin Liebscher photographed himself 6,000 times in different poses at the Berliner Philharmonie concert hall. This large-format photograph from his series “Family Photos,” currently on view in the show “Time Present,” humorously investigates the coordinates of identity, time, and space, as well as the ideal of the artist genius. Friedhelm Hütte, head of Deutsche Bank’s art department, talks with the Berlin-based artist about his works and artistic practice.


PalaisPopulaire - Art, Culture & Sports by Deutsche Bank Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

Additional Information

Live streaming HERE

7:00 pm

Artist Talk with Guevara Namer and Alaa Hassan

Artist Talk

On the occasion of "Existing Elsewhere" exhibition, photographers Guevara Namer and Alaa Hassan will join in conversation. They will present for the first time to Berlin’s audience, and in Germany their artistic practices, which revolve around the visual investigation ...

coculture Böttgerstraße 16 13357 Berlin

7:00 pm

Artist Talk with Guevara Namer and Alaa Hassan

Artist Talk

On the occasion of "Existing Elsewhere" exhibition, photographers Guevara Namer and Alaa Hassan will join in conversation. They will present for the first time to Berlin’s audience, and in Germany their artistic practices, which revolve around the visual investigation of topics, such as self-representation, affect, and exile; the experience of displacement; individual and collective memories as terrains where vanished realities transform, as well as archiving online and offline as relational tool.


coculture Böttgerstraße 16 13357 Berlin

Additional Information

add. live streaming

Registration required