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Vernissages Tuesday 6.11.

7:00 pm

The View of Others

Federica Abate, Cristina Altieri, Paolo Annibale, Enrico Borgogni, Andrea Buia, Massimo Dotti…

Our brains interpret facial expressions in different ways depending on whether the face is looking directly at us or not. The direction of the other’s gaze actually determines how our brain responds to the emotions expressed on the person’s face. ...

Italienisches Kulturinstitut Hildebrandstraße 2 10785 Berlin iic.berlino.esteri.it

Exhibitions Tuesday 6.11.

31.05. - 25.11.2012

Moses Nappelbaum (1869 – 1958): Portraits of Soviet Intellectuals

Moissej Nappelbaum (1869-1958)

Galerie Berinson presents Moses Nappelbaum, the most important portrait photographer of Soviet Russia. The exhibition comprises more than 50 rare original prints – including portraits of Vladimir Tatlin, Anna Akhmatova, Sergei Eisenstein, Maxim Gorki, Dmitri Shostakovich and Lion Feuchtwanger. Nappelbaum’s ...

Galerie Berinson Lindenstraße 34 10969 Berlin www.berinson.de

2.06. - 18.11.2012

Helmut Newton: White Women/ Sleepless Nights/ Big Nudes

Helmut Newton

Helmut Newton’s photographic work was the subject of controvery throughout his creative life. He achieved fame with his life-sized images of clothed and unclothed women — if not before — with which he succeeded in pushing the boundaries of the ...

Helmut Newton Foundation Jebensstraße 2 Museum für Fotografie 10623 Berlin www.helmut-newton.de

12.09. - 15.12.2012

Janos Frecot. Péter Nádas

Janos Frecot, Péter Nádas

In 2012, during the 5th European Month of Photography, Kicken Berlin will show a survey of the photographic work of the important German photography curator and historian Janos Frecot. As the founder and long-time director of the photography collection at ...

Kicken Linienstraße 161A/155 10115 Berlin www.kicken-gallery.com

14.09. - 17.11.2012

At Home

Gosbert Adler, Knut Maron

In the series Interieur (Interior) and Ein Leben (A Life), Gosbert Adler and Knut Maron photographed their former homes over several years. An apartment, a house, filled with the things of a past life, which the family retains today only ...

Galerie zone B Brunnenstraße 149 10115 Berlin www.zone-b.info

14.09. - 30.11.2012

Berlin relatives

Anna Kott

Ballet, burlesque, kitsch and tattoos – the visual universe of Anna Kott is baroque, melancholy, cheerful and bright all at once. Strength and weakness, physical confidence and embarrassment, grace and awkwardness are the contradictions she captures in her pictures. The ...

Polnisches Institut Burgstraße 27 10178 Berlin www.polnischekultur.de

15.09. - 24.11.2012

Niemeyer and My Wife

Erik van der Weijde

Chert and Erik Van der Weijde are delighted to announce the artist’s second solo exhibition at the gallery. The theme of the exhibition symbolises the accord between them: the interaction between space and people: in this case Oscar Niemeyer and ...

Chert Skalitzer Straße 68 10997 Berlin www.chert-berlin.com

20.09. - 17.12.2012

Dennis Hopper: The Lost Album

Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper (1936 – 2010) was an artist, director and actor. He always had his camera with him: in the car, on film sets, at parties, in studios and galleries. After his death, 400 vintage photographs from the 1960s were ...

Martin-Gropius-Bau Niederkirchnerstraße 7 10963 Berlin www.gropiusbau.de

27.09. - 16.12.2012

Fruchtstrasse, Berlin, 27th March, 1952

Annett Gröschner, Arwed Messmer, Fritz Tiedemann

On 27 March, 1952, Fritz Tiedemann photographed Fruchtstrasse in Berlin between Ostbahnhof and Stalinallee for the municipal government of East Berlin. He documented the condition of the buildings in the form of a façade elevations seven years after the end ...

Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 Foyer des ND-Hauses 10243 Berlin www.franzmehringplatz.de

28.09. - 30.11.2012

Roma in Rome

Nihad Nino Pušija

In his photo reportage, the Bosnian Nihad Nino Pušija from Sarajevo offers a new realistic view of the ethnic minority he belongs to, the Roma. While other photographers generally focus on the Roma’s impoverishment and hardship, and above all on ...

Galerie Kai Dikhas Prinzenstraße 85D 10969 Berlin www.kaidikhas.com

1.10. - 24.11.2012


Joan Fontcuberta

Joan Fontcuberta presents untouched, infinite landscapes ‘never seen before by human eyes’. His vistas recall isolated Alpine regions, Nordic fjords and inaccessible gorges with idyllic waterfalls – but no one has ever climbed these mountains or wandered through these remote ...

photo edition berlin Ystader Straße 14A 10437 Berlin www.photoeditionberlin.com

5.10. - 14.12.2012

Hein Gorny in the Spectrum Photogalerie, Hanover, 1972

Hein Gorny, Heinrich Riebesehl

The spectrum Photogalerie in Hanover, founded in 1972, dedicated its first exhibition to the photographer Hein Gorny (1904 – 1967). Forty years later, Collection Regard has created an exhibition on the exhibition with photographs by Hein Gorny and Heinrich Riebesehl, ...

Collection Regard Steinstraße 12 10119 Berlin www.collectionregard.com

5.10. - 7.11.2012


Ursula Kelm

Once again we find ourselves in the realm of opposites and bewilderment. In ever-changing registers, Kelm’s photography explores the interplay of permanence and transience. In a special way, it is a memento mori, a participation in the mortality, vulnerability, mutability ...

PHOTOPLATZ Schlüterstraße 45 10707 Berlin www.photoplatz.de

5.10. - 28.01.2013

The Shuttered Society

Ursula Arnold, Tina Bara, Sibylle Bergemann, Christian Borchert, Micha Brendel, Kurt Buchwald…

The Berlinische Galerie presents the first exhibition in the world to take a comprehensive look at art photography in the GDR. Key questions are: Was art photography ever free under authoritarian East German conditions? And how did art photography change ...

Berlinische Galerie Alte Jakobstraße 124-128 10969 Berlin www.berlinischegalerie.de

6.10. - 18.11.2012

in search of

Zoe Caspari, Alexander Fichert, Ismini Goula, Joe Kake, Boris Kramaric, Constanze Kratzsch…

The students of the graduating class of the Neue Schule für Fotografie under the direction of Eva Maria Ocherbauer search in individual ways for visual expressions of existential questions. Time and again they focus on the relationship between individual and ...

Neue Schule für Fotografie Brunnenstraße 188 10119 Berlin www.neue-schule-berlin.com

12.10. - 21.12.2012

connect: Bright Future

Moufida Fedhila, Aïcha Filali, Faten Gaddes, Halim Karabibene, Mouna Karray, Nicéne Kossentini…

The road to democratisation in Tunisia is rough and rocky. The aims of the January 2011 rebellion, such as the introduction of personal liberties, is proving more difficult than anticipated. The revolution is not over yet. The exhibition Bright Future ...

ifa-Galerie Berlin / Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen Linienstraße 139 10115 Berlin www.ifa.de

12.10. - 18.11.2012

Divided Views, Shared Views

Laurenz Berges, Henry Neitzke, Kai-Uwe Nerger, Thomas Neumann, Ina Paaschen, Karin Schäuble…

The striking differences in the photography of children and young people from East and West Germany stemmed from conditions in the two societies. The exhibition presents photographs from the East German and West German national youth photography competitions from 1970 ...

BrotfabrikGalerie Caligariplatz 1 13086 Berlin www.brotfabrik-berlin.de

12.10. - 23.12.2012

Forest: Landscapes of Remembrance

Michael Lange

Michael Lange’s project Wald: Landschaften der Erinnerung (Forest: Landscapes of Remembrance) was created in the forests of Germany over a period of three years. The photographs reflect the artist’s experiences of landscapes in twilight. They manifest the fact that ‘landscapes ...

ALFRED EHRHARDT STIFTUNG Auguststraße 75 10117 Berlin www.alfred-ehrhardt-stiftung.de

13.10. - 24.11.2012

Half Life

Michael Ackerman

A world in which emotion rules reason may not necessarily be an ideal world, but many of its more profound elements – longing, solitude, love, despair – certainly partake of the sublime. Such a world is shown in Half Life: ...

Galerie argus fotokunst Marienstraße 26 10117 Berlin www.argus-fotokunst.de

17.10. - 11.11.2012

Classified! The Stasi Photographs Steglitz and Zehlendorf

MfS-Mitarbeiter | Stasi Employees

The office of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Archives of the former German Democratic Republic (BStU) holds hundreds of photographs that were taken in the West Berlin boroughs of Steglitz and Zehlendorf from the 1950s until May 1989 by ...

Kulturamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf Grunewaldstraße 55 Atelier 12165 Berlin

17.10. - 18.11.2012

Roma – vm. 365/39/51 masw

Maria Sewcz

Maria Sewcz was a fellow of the Villa Massimo in Rome during the past year. During her stay, she had the opportunity to experience the structure of the city intensely and physically. She was particularly interested in the historical layers ...

Galerie Pankow Breite Straße 8 13187 Berlin www.galerie-pankow.de

18.10. - 27.01.2013

Anita Neugebauer – photo art basel

Claude Baechtold, Derek P. Bennett, Werner Bischof, Tom Bisig, Edouard Boubat, Denis Brihat…

‘I wanted to get to know the people who reveal my inner life with their pictures.’ Anita Neugebauer (born in 1916 in Berlin) studied photography at the Contempora – Lehrateliers für neue Werkkunst in Berlin in the 1930s. She is ...

DAS VERBORGENE MUSEUM Schlüterstraße 70 10625 Berlin www.dasverborgenemuseum.de

18.10. - 17.11.2012

David von Becker & Leo Pompinon

David von Becker, Leo Pompinon

I feel closer to what is far away and foreign than to what I already know. I don’t derive an agenda from that fact – I mistrust grand agendas – my basis is feeling and curiosity. I like to travel ...

Galerie LUX Berlin Südwestkorso 11A 12161 Berlin www.galerie-lux-berlin.de

18.10. - 26.11.2012

distURBANces – Can Fiction Beat Reality?

Thibault Brunet

In the framework of the European project distURBANces, the Month of Photography presents works by the French artist Thibault Brunet in the Computerspielemuseum (Computer Game Museum) Berlin. Brunet deals with the topic of reality and the imitation of reality by ...

Computerspielemuseum Karl-Marx-Allee 93A 10243 Berlin www.computerspielemuseum.de

18.10. - 30.11.2012


Sascha Bachmann, Dido Baxevanidis, Jens Beckmann, Sebastian Bolesch, Patrik Budenz, Andreas Burger…

In Transit takes up the challenge of comprehending photography as a documentary, artistic and political description of the world and presenting it as a participatory project in a public in-transit room at the Ostkreuz railway station. Jaana Prüss situates ‘the ...

Und.Institut für Kunst, Kultur & Zukunftsfähigkeit Markgrafendamm 10245 Berlin intransitfoto.wordpress.com

19.10. - 24.11.2012

Berlin Slaughterhouse, 1986 – 88


On 16th December, 2011, three days after his forty-ninth birthday, Knoefel unexpectedly died of a heart attack. Just the week before we had agreed to show Schlachthaus (Slaughterhouse) in my gallery as part of the major exhibition on photography in ...

Loock Galerie Invalidenstraße 50/51 Halle am Wasser 10557 Berlin www.loock-galerie.de

19.10. - 18.11.2012

Between Us

Edith Maria Balk, Wolfgang Eschenhorn, Anneliese Fechner, Erhard Flach, Pia Heuer, Sybille Hoffmann…

The space between us is never empty: it is filled with experiences, ideas, emotions; it divides or connects us geographically, culturally, as people; it can be a boundary or a fleeting thought. Ten photographers explore the space ‘between us’. Not ...

Fotoatelier Am Schönen Berg Mansteinstraße 16 10783 Berlin www.sibylle-hoffman.de

19.10. - 25.11.2012

Cairo. Open City

Lara Baladi, Kaya Behkalam, Taha Belal, Chris Michalski & Sebastian Stumpf, Denis Dailleux, Osama Dawod…

The exhibition Cairo. Open City tells two stories. The first reports on the political and social upheaval of a young generation, which began on 25 January 2011 with the mass protests on Tahrir Square in Cairo and continues until today. ...

Festivalzentrum Pariser Platz 4A 10117 Berlin

19.10. - 24.11.2012

Don’t Look at Me!

Nicole Ahland, Oreet Ashery

Oreet Ashery’s work explores the relationships between politics of representation and minorities’ discourses. After Duchamp is a self-portrait based on Man Ray’s photograph titled Tonsure de Marcel Duchamp (c. 1920). After Duchamp portrays Ashery as a naked figure of ambiguous ...

c. wichtendahl. galerie Joachimstraße 7 10119 Berlin www.wichtendahl.de

19.10. - 17.11.2012


Per Berntsen

Per Berntsen (*1953) has been commissioned by the Norwegian companies Statkraft and Hydro to document hydroelectric plants since 2002/03. The artist has succeeded not only in portraying the complex functional architecture of the buildings in a compelling manner, but also ...

GALERIE KAI HILGEMANN Markgrafenstraße 67 10969 Berlin www.kaihilgemann.com

19.10. - 30.11.2012

Georgia on my mind

Jörg Rubbert

In his exhibition Georgia on My Mind, Jörg Rubbert shows the southern state from an unusual perspective. Far away from the boom town of Atlanta, in central and southern Georgia, people live according to another, slower rhythm. Georgia has suffered ...

Fotogalerie Friedrichshain Helsingforser Platz 1 10243 Berlin www.kulturring.org

19.10. - 25.11.2012

Hokus Pokus Photon Photos

Tony Binder

Tony Binder does not use photos to take possession of reality for later transcription into paintings, as photographers and artists of his time commonly did. The photo helps him comprehend a little known reality and, like all seekers, he is ...

WW48 Studio Weichselstraße 48 12045 Berlin ww48studio.com

19.10. - 30.11.2012

Multiple 1

Ono Ludwig

Since 2009, the Berlin photographer Ono Ludwig has been exploring the creative potential of the camera obscura. He continues to create playful and sometimes unsettling self-portraits today in continuously developing series. As a result of the camera obscura’s long exposure ...

Pflüger68 Pflügerstraße 68 12047 Berlin www.pflueger68.de

19.10. - 25.11.2012


Sergei Michailowitsch Prokudin-Gorski

In 1909, the Russian chemist and photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863 – 1944) set out on a journey to capture all of Russia in colour for Czar Nicholas II. One of the pioneers of colour photography, Prokudin-Gorskii systematically documented the ...

Gestalten Space Sophienstraße 21 Sophie-Gips-Höfe 10178 Berlin www.gestalten.com/space

19.10. - 25.11.2012

Open Shutter

Michael Wesely

Since the early 1990s, the photographer Michael Wesely has been inventing and refining techniques using extremely long exposures to take uniquely compelling photographs. Using filters and an aperture that is very small, yet common with professional camera lenses, he is ...

Fahnemann Projects Fasanenstraße 61 10719 Berlin www.fahnemannprojects.com

19.10. - 25.11.2012

Pavlov and Pavlov

Michael Wesely

The sculptor Auguste Rodin said that if he had created his walking statue John the Baptist based on snapshot photography, it ‘would present the bizarre appearance of a man suddenly stricken with paralysis and petrified’. Wesely’s photographs achieve the opposite ...

Pavlov's Dog Bergstraße 19 10115 Berlin www.pavlovsdog.org

19.10. - 25.11.2012

Same-Same, but Different

James Clancy

Dark streets, silhouetted buildings and figures: At a first glance the nighttime urban scenes illuminated by single streetlights seem to portray the very same location. Only on a closer look do the differences become visible. As often happens in a ...

Botschaft Irland Jägerstraße 51 10117 Berlin www.embassyofireland.de

19.10. - 25.11.2012


Michal Adamski, Damian Chrobak, Maciej Dakowicz, Andy Kochanowski, Piotr Koszczynski, Tomasz Lazar…

Un-posed is a group of Polish photographers whose work documents all aspects of day-to-day life. Established in 2011, the group has exhibited its work in the Leica Gallery in Warsaw and published in a dozen of magazines in Poland, Russia, ...

Club der Polnischen Versager Ackerstraße 168 10115 Berlin www.polnischeversager.de

20.10. - 1.12.2012

Artists at Work

Elina Brotherus

Gallery TAIK is proud to present Elina Brotherus’s most recent photographs from the series Artists at Work. Brotherus once again uses herself as the principal model in her pictures. However, in contrast to her previous works she uses her role ...

Gallery TAIK Bergstraße 22 10115 Berlin www.helsinkischool.fi

20.10. - 24.11.2012

Beijing Memories

Wang Fang

Wang Fang is at home in two different cultures: born and raised in Beijing, she has lived in Potsdam for some years. In Beijing Memories she points her camera at her home town, in which she increasingly feels like an ...

exhibeo Veteranenstraße 14 10119 Berlin www.exhibeo-galerie.de

20.10. - 24.11.2012

Dialogue of Views Between East and West

Fotomarathon-Teilnehmer Berlin 2012

The Berlin Photomarathon exhibits in the Supermarkt in the borough of Wedding and in the Kopfkino in Friedrichshain. The theme of the exhibition is the diversity of Berlin and the contrasts between today and yesterday, between Us and the Other. ...

Fotomarathon c/o Supermarkt Wedding Brunnenstraße 64 13355 Berlin www.fotomarathon.de

20.10. - 24.11.2012

Dialogue of Views Between East and West (2nd Location)


The Berlin Photomarathon exhibits in the Supermarkt in the borough of Wedding and in the Kopfkino in Friedrichshain. The theme of the exhibition is the diversity of Berlin and the contrasts between today and yesterday, between Us and the Other. ...

Fotomarathon c/o Kopfkino Berlin Modersohnstraße 63 10245 Berlin www.fotomarathon.de

20.10. - 17.11.2012


Stephanie Kloss

Stephanie Kloss’s photographs document not singular events, but virtual states. She often presents locations with mythological associations. They touch the viewer by suggesting what is superficially invisible: conflict, abuse, environmental disaster. At first glance, many recall a design idea from ...

LAURA MARS Sorauer Straße 3 10997 Berlin www.lauramars.de

20.10. - 24.11.2012

Fantasy and Dream

Heinz Hajek-Halke

Johanna Breede presents Heinz Hajek-Halke (1898 – 1983), one of the great photography pioneers of the 1920s and early 1930s in Germany. He was one of the first to experiment with superimposed images and montages, to leave the documentary aspect ...

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST Fasanenstraße 69 10719 Berlin www.johanna-breede.com

20.10. - 1.12.2012

Gender Studies

Bettina Rheims

Bettina Rheims says she wants to see and show people as they see themselves. In keeping with this philosophy, and with an awareness of the social importance of the topic, Rheims has once again worked with transgender people. She has ...

CAMERA WORK Kantstraße 149 10623 Berlin www.camerawork.de

20.10. - 24.11.2012

Melting Point

Stéphane Couturier

The photographs of Stéphane Couturier (*1957) feature dynamic verticals and horizontals, elegantly curved lines and brilliant light and colour effects. The exhibition Melting Point offers a concentrated look at the Stéphane Couturier’s current work. A mere description of the motifs ...

Galerie Kornfeld Fasanenstraße 26 10719 Berlin www.galeriekornfeld.com

20.10. - 1.12.2012

On Desire

Carina Linge

As in her previous works, Carina Linge draws on the allegorical iconography of the Renaissance and the Baroque, yet at the same time she refers to the present. Impressions, shadows and the residual heat of people or things are depicted ...

Galerie Jarmuschek + Partner Invalidenstraße 50/51 Halle am Wasser 10557 Berlin www.jarmuschek.de

20.10. - 17.11.2012

The Critical Camera

Nina Berman, Leona Goldstein, Robert Knoth, Katharina Mouratidi

The exhibition The Critical Camera presents four photographers who are active internationally and members of the Society for Humanistic Photography. What they have in common is a critical perspective on social inequality and international conflicts and how they affect individuals ...

Kunstverein Tiergarten Turmstraße 75 10551 Berlin www.kunstverein-tiergarten.de

20.10. - 24.11.2012


Karen Irmer, Leta Peer

The view of the other – the familiar and the alien, the nearby and the distant, the other and one’s own identity and origins — shapes the work of the artists Karen Irmer and Leta Peer in an incisive way. ...

Zweigstelle Berlin Lehrter Straße 37 10557 Berlin www.zweigstelle-berlin.de

20.10. - 13.01.2013

Urban Archaeology

Stéphane Couturier

Since 1994, Stéphane Couturier has been exhibiting a series of works that paved the way for his work titled Archéologie Urbaine (Urban Archaeology). He photographs the city as a living, multifaceted organism removed from any poetry, nostalgia or exoticism. His ...

Institut français Kurfürstendamm 211 10719 Berlin www.institutfrancais.de/berlin

20.10. - 15.12.2012


Lars Tunbjörk

Snowbound streets, buildings and abandoned cars, a dirty snowman standing forlorn in a garden. But interiors too, and portraits of people in their homes, at work, in cafés and at parties. For his series Vinter (Winter), Lars Tunbjörk travelled through ...

Swedish Photography Karl-Marx-Allee 62 10243 Berlin www.swedishphotography.org

21.10. - 25.11.2012

12 Responses to Berlin

Akinbode Akinbiyi, Jérémie Aubouin, Andreas Burger, Serge Clément, Stéphane Duroy, Benedetta Grossrubatscher…

The twelve photographers exhibited come from eight different countries. For some of them, Berlin was only a stopover, for others, a place to work for a time. Others still are long-time residents. These outsiders have not one, but twelve perspectives ...

Kommunale Galerie Hohenzollerndamm 176 10713 Berlin www.kommunalegalerie-berlin.de

21.10. - 30.11.2012

Me Exchanged

Ina Köhler

Every year, over 30,000 exchange students leave Germany to broaden their horizons and make themselves competitive. They are usually sixteen or seventeen years old and thus still in search of their own identity and their mooring in the world. Open ...

Galerie Ina Köhler Husemannstraße 27 10435 Berlin www.inakoehler.de

21.10. - 1.12.2012

The Artistic Portrait in the Age of Virtual Self-Presentation

Laurence Aëgeter, Boris von Brauchitsch, Aida Chehrehgosha, Steffen Junghans, Carina Linge, Oliver Mark…

The ubiquity of the portrait in the age of the Internet raises the question of its meaning and expression again in a radical way, since every creative and technically savvy individual can produce a self-portrait today and publish it online. ...

UF6 PROJECTS Köpenicker Straße 16 Alte Heeresbäckerei 10997 Berlin www.uf6projects.com

21.10. - 18.11.2012

The Promise

Benten Clay

Iceland as an embodiment of promise is the premise of the photographic and filmic notes that Benten Clay brings together in this exhibition to form an installation network. It is a promise of a natural paradise, which may not be ...

Plattenpalast Wolliner Straße 50 10435 Berlin www.plattenpalast.de

22.10. - 23.11.2012

The View of the Other

Hans Georg Berger, Nora Bibel, Buddhist Archive of Photography (Luang Prabang), Ting Ting Cheng, Claus Rottenbacher, Marei Wenzel

The view of the other becomes noteworthy when it transcends attitudes of romanticism and exoticism. Mythologising or gawking at the other as a curiosity is a short-lived, unedifying pleasure. Opening one’s eyes to the unfamiliar, and so becoming unfamiliar to ...

Artificial Image Pistoriusstraße 96 (Seitenflügel) espace 13086 Berlin artificialimage.de

23.10. - 16.11.2012


Maja Forsslund

At the age of twenty-two, Maja Forsslund was accepted at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. She examined the human body in life drawing courses and learned the painter’s craft. In sketches she began to interpret and create ...

Kominek Gallery Immanuelkirchstraße 25 10405 Berlin www.kominek-gallery.com

23.10. - 15.11.2012

Shared Moments!

Ann-Sophie Lindstroem, Marc Theis

Both artists were born and raised in Luxembourg. Both made photography their passion and went abroad to study – at the same technical college in Hanover, but over thirty years apart. Marc Theis, born in 1953, regularly visited his home ...

Botschaft Luxemburg Klingelhöferstraße 7 10785 Berlin berlin.mae.lu/ge/Kultur

24.10. - 1.12.2012

Active Spaces

Tor Seidel

A glowing future, today almost past; although offline still radioactive for incomprehensible spans of time to come: a look into the abyss of time is demanded of us, a look that rocked geology around 1800 – the creation of the ...

Galerie cubus-m Pohlstraße 75 Inhaber Holger Marquardt 10785 Berlin www.cubus-m.com

24.10. - 15.12.2012


Imre Kinszki, Martin Zeller

What connects these artists is their search for unusual perspectives. Imre Kinszki (1901 – 1945) is considered one of the most consistent champions of New Objectivity among Hungarian artists. In search of his own pictorial language, he discovered the simple ...

KunstBüroBerlin Uhlandstraße 162 10719 Berlin www.kunstbueroberlin.de

24.10. - 21.12.2012

The Concealed

Andrea Aragón, Andrés Asturias, João Castilho, Cia de Foto, Sebastián Friedman, Alejandro Lipszyc…

The exhibition Verborgenes (The Concealed) presents works by ten photographers from Latin America who were selected by the curators Alejandro Castellote and Juan Antonio Molina at the invitation of the Instituto Cervantes. The selection process took place in 2009 as ...

Instituto Cervantes Rosenstraße 18 10178 Berlin www.cervantes.de

24.10. - 25.11.2012

Werner David Feist: Bauhaus Photos

Werner David Feist

Werner David Feist (1909 – 1998) gained recognition mainly as a result of his experimental photography during his time as a student at the Bauhaus (1927 – 1930). These photos are unique documents of life at the Bauhaus, and at ...

Bauhaus-Archiv Klingelhöferstraße 14 10785 Berlin www.bauhaus.de

25.10. - 30.11.2012

Looks of Change

Aenne Burghardt

People come and are given space to present themselves. Some allow themselves be enticed or seduced, others test themselves and reinvent themselves. Each individual shows just as much of himself or herself as he or she truly wants. What happens ...

Reha-Steglitz Bergstraße 1 12169 Berlin www.reha-steglitz.de

26.10. - 16.11.2012

DÖNÜS – The Return of Kent Sinema

Ute Langkafel

The exhibition DÖNÜŞ (‘Return’) starts with fifty original Turkish film posters from 1961 to 2011. For one year, Ute Langkafel, photographic artist and producer at MAIFOTO, invited visitors to her gallery to take a place in a film poster of ...

MAIFOTO Dresdener Straße 18 10999 Berlin www.maifoto.de

26.10. - 10.11.2012

It takes two

Frank Blum, Carla Brno, Michael Jänecke, Chris Keller, Kerstin Koletzki, Wolfgang Philippi…

The Berlin photo archive bobsairport is a collection of contemporary photography that comprises works by more than seventy photographers. As part of the archive, the individual photo generally serves to illustrate an existing text. For the series It takes two, ...

bobsairport Auguststraße 28 10117 Berlin www.doyoureadme.de

27.10. - 24.11.2012

Christian Schwarm Collection: In the Office with Peter Piller

Peter Piller

The collection of Christian Schwarm does not rely on big names. What interests the owner of the Dorten communication agency, both professionally and as a collector, is a delight in unconventional thinking and the broader horizons that inevitably results from ...

Sammlung Christian Schwarm Zossener Straße 55 Aufgang A im Torbogen 10963 Berlin dorten.com

27.10. - 17.11.2012


Abschlussjahrgang der Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie 2012, Mark Alker, Anna Duda, Hanna Fuhrmann, Baris Guerkan, Romy Kaa…

The exhibition echos (echoes) presents the sixth graduating class of the Ostkreuz School of Photography in the former Maassen department store in Oranienplatz. The themes of the graduates’ final projects are diverse: men in search of meaning, the conversion of ...

Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie Oranienplatz 17 10999 Berlin

27.10. - 15.12.2012

Homecoming, Sun & Ruin

Björn Siebert

Björn Siebert calls his works Remakes. They are reconstructions, that is, faithful re-enactments, of amateur photos from the depths of the World Wide Web. Piece by piece in painstaking research, he assembles what in the found image was a chance ...

Hengesbach Gallery Charlottenstraße 1 10969 Berlin www.hengesbach-gallery.de

27.10. - 10.11.2012

In the Making

Valérie Leray

Valerie Leray’s pictures imply a return to the “realms of memory” regarded as expressions of the artistic gesture, showing in the present time what used to be but which remains invisible. In her series In the Making, the artist looks ...

stattberlin Lottumstraße 1 10119 Berlin www.stattberlin.tk

27.10. - 23.11.2012


Abrie Fourie

Abrie Fourie wanders with his camera lens through four continents: Africa, Europe, Asia and America. Southern Africa is his familiar homeland. Asia and America he experiences as a visitor, while Europe and Berlin are his current domicile. He never sees ...

Vice Versa Immanuelkirchstraße 12 10405 Berlin www.vice-versa-vertrieb.de

27.10. - 25.11.2012

The View of the Other

Studierende der Berliner Technischen Kunsthochschule | BTK students

New York, Hanoi, Tarkovo, Mila 23 2007 – 2011: Annual street photography workshop in New York accompanied by studio visits and lectures by renowned local artists and a final exhibition in Berlin. Direction: Thomas Keller and Todd Weinstein. 2011: Documentation ...

Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule Bernburger Straße 24/25 10963 Berlin www.btk-fh.de

27.10. - 25.11.2012

Winter of the Century

Stephen Mooney

Stephen Mooney is a photographer, poet and filmmaker from the UK and has lived in Berlin since 2004. In Jahrhundertwinter (Winter of the Century) Mooney documents one of Berlin’s hardest winters on record and the terrible transient beauty of a ...

atelier freier fotografen Kochhannstraße 14 10249 Berlin www.aff-berlin.com

30.10. - 10.01.2013

Jimi Hendrix and the Love and Peace Festival

Frauke Bergemann

In 1970, thousands of music enthusiasts flocked to the Baltic Sea island of Fehmarn in the hope of a German Woodstock. But incessant rain and storms prevented some of the famous bands on the bill from appearing. The presence of ...

WHITECONCEPTS by Nicole Loeser Stralauer Allee 3 10245 Berlin

2.11. - 8.12.2012

Guardian of Time

Stéphane Duroy

The Frenchman Stéphane Duroy was born in Bizerte (Tunisia) in 1948 and lives in Paris. He initially worked predominantly as a press photographer, and as a member of the photo agency VU shot extensive reportages for Die Zeit, Stern and ...

only photography Niebuhrstraße 78 10629 Berlin www.only-photography.com

2.11. - 1.12.2012

I am not interested in Reality

Erwin Olaf, Jorma Puranen, Natascha Stellmach, Raïssa Venables, Thomas Wrede

The group exhibition I am not interested in Reality presents five international photographers who work with reflections, scenes and reconstructions of reality, free of documentary impulses. Departing from contemporary visual habits and media worlds, they offer new looks at the ...

Galerie WAGNER + PARTNER Karl-Marx-Allee 87 10243 Berlin www.galerie-wagner-partner.com

2.11. - 16.12.2012

Jerry Berndt: Sacred / Profane

Jerry Berndt

Prostitutes, the sacred and the night create a tense atmosphere around the photographs in this exhibition. At a young age the American artist Jerry Berndt (*1943) acquired a sensitivity to the lonely and despairing aspects of the demimonde. This sensitivity ...

HAUS am KLEISTPARK Grunewaldstraße 6/7 10823 Berlin www.hausamkleistpark.de

2.11. - 28.11.2012

The German Vietnamese

Stefan Canham, Phuong-Dan Nguyen

Much has been written about the Vietnamese who came to Germany. Research has focused on ‘contract workers’ in the GDR; on Vietnamese children who were to be trained as the new socialist elite; and on boat people who fled from ...

25books Brunnenstraße 152 10115 Berlin www.25books.com

3.11. - 1.12.2012

In the Blink of an Eye. Standstill and Movement

Peter Gormanns, Michael Hughes, Ann-Christine Jansson, Wolfgang Krolow, Horst Luedeking, Toni Nemes…

The West Berlin of the 1970s and ’80s – Kreuzberg, the Wall, dereliction. Many of those who lived here had no other choice. The ruins of war, the struggle for survival, brief moments of happiness and permanent breakdowns. Old-age poverty, ...

Kreuzberg Museum c/o The Browse Gallery Marheinekeplatz 15 10961 Berlin www.community-impulse.de/index.html

3.11. - 15.12.2012

Living Room

Naomi Schenck

How do people live? How do friends and strangers live? How do I live myself? These are questions that Naomi Schenck has asked since her childhood. Questions with which she scours the globe for film locations – real places where ...

Petra Rietz Salon Galerie Koppenplatz 11A 10115 Berlin www.petrarietz.com

3.11. - 24.11.2012


Jens Ullrich

Jens Ullrich has been creating the series of collages titled Masken (Masks), which currently consists of some 40 works, since 2004. On the computer, the artist pastes images of African masks into black-and-white newspaper photos which were taken in various ...

RECEPTION Kurfürstenstraße 5/5A 10785 Berlin www.reception-berlin.de

3.11. - 21.12.2012

One’s Own and the Other in Photography: An Exhibition for Hannah Höch

Susanne Ahner, Markus Ambach, Johanna Bartl, Christoph Bartolosch, Rainer Barzen, U.D. Bauer…

A look at art photography in general and at Hannah Höch in particular reveal a complexity that is transformed by the artistic eye and goes far beyond mere seeing. The participating artists present insights into many facets of their work ...

Deutscher Künstlerbund Rosenthaler Straße 11 10119 Berlin www.deutscher-kuenstlerbund.de

3.11. - 17.11.2012

Photography in Dialogue with Old Masters

Nobuyoshi Araki, Beza, Pieter Hugo, Vandy Rattana

The unusual dialogue between Old Master paintings and contemporary photography has its roots in the history of the collection SØR Rusche Sammlung Oelde/Berlin. Its beginnings date back to the nineteenth century, when the grandfather of the collector Thomas Rusche ran ...

SØR Rusche Sammlung Oelde/Berlin Schlüterstraße 53 10629 Berlin

5.11. - 30.11.2012

The Familiar and the Unfamiliar

Fotoschüler des 3. Ausbildungsjahres BEST-Sabel Bildungszentrum

Throughout history people have been influenced by external events and behaviour – due to war, economic and religious influences or mass migration. We notice fashion and lifestyle trends set and followed by our children, neighbours, colleagues and friends. We adopt ...

BEST-Sabel Designschule Littenstraße 109 10179 Berlin www.design.best-sabel.de

6.11. - 23.11.2012

The View of Others

Federica Abate, Cristina Altieri, Paolo Annibale, Enrico Borgogni, Andrea Buia, Massimo Dotti…

Our brains interpret facial expressions in different ways depending on whether the face is looking directly at us or not. The direction of the other’s gaze actually determines how our brain responds to the emotions expressed on the person’s face. ...

Italienisches Kulturinstitut Hildebrandstraße 2 10785 Berlin iic.berlino.esteri.it